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"Is your baby an accident?"



Jimin's POV

Thursday, Week 8 of Jimin's pregnancy, 5:30pm.

"Ahhh, I'm so nervous." I muttered while walking back and forth while looking at Taehyung cooking.

"Don't be, I'm sure Jihyun will be super chill, I'm sure he will like me and things will be all good." Taehyung responded to me.

"But what if he brings his partner and it turns out to be someone we don't like." I muttered.

"Or what if my younger brother is gay too. I don't know how I'd process it because I've always known him as the straight male in my family." I stated.

"Jimin, you are seriously overthinking this." Taehyung said while pulling roasted pork out of the oven.

"What if he's dating my ex though? They could know each other if they both work in hospitals." I grumbled.

"Jimin-ah, your ex did work in a hospital but according to Hoseok, he's disappeared so he likely wouldn't even work in a hospital anymore." Taehyung stated.

"You are right." I hummed.

"Plus wasn't Yoongi older than you? I don't know if he would quite go for someone that younger than you." Taehyung stated.

I nodded.

"You need to stop thinking about him." Taehyung mumbled.

"I'm sorry. I don't really think about him because you are one million times better but because you are one million times better, it makes me think about how not good he actually was. I promise I normally wouldn't think good things about him." I ranted.

Taehyung nodded.

The doorbell rang, making my stomach churn.

I hope my younger brother likes Taehyung.

Because at least that way, I'd get some of my family closer to me again.

Taehyung tilted his head, suggesting to me that I should go get the door instead of standing frozen in my tracks.

I nodded while heading down the hallway towards the front door.

I took a deep breath before my hand twisted the handle.

I opened the door smiling as I saw my younger brother in black ripped jeans with a navy blue woolen sweater on.

He's alone? Is he single?

"Hi, sorry for being a bit late. I had to walk my dog before coming over and I lost track of the time a little bit." Jihyun started.

"No, no, that's totally fine. Come inside, it's cold." I responded while moving aside for him to enter.

Jihyun stepped inside, taking off his black boots while I closed the front door.

"Wow, you can really see the bump now. It's kind of shocking because I've seen you skinny since you were like 19. Not that you have really put on weight, just that it's weird to see under your shirt." Jihyun hummed.

His eyes were on my grey t-shirt which did push out around my stomach and flatten around my chest.

So far I haven't had any change to my pecs but I suppose because I'm male, it may take a bit longer for my body to understand the changes it's going through.

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