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"Has her boob's grown yet?" 



Jimin's POV

"So you have been vomiting a lot recently?" The dietitian asked me as he looked at my results.

"Yes." I said while folding my arms over my chest.

"I'm sorry to inform you but there isn't a problem with your diet," He started saying.

"You also have no allergies." He told me.

"Are you fucking serious? What else am I supposed to do?" I huffed.

My head fell into my hands.

Man my mood swings are horrific currently, but I suppose it cannot be helped when I'm given devastating news.

I just got a boyfriend again and I was stable, but now I'm sick.

"Look, Jimin, have you gone to a doctor? Because there is nothing else I can do for you." He said calmly while I sighed.

"I haven't." I muttered.

"I would recommend you do then because I cannot really help, however I can give you a list of things to try to calm your sickness?" He said slowly.

I looked up hopefully while nodding.

"Drink cold even ice drinks, eat bland foods like crackers or bread, don't eat sweet or greasy foods, don't mix hot and cold foods, eat one or the other, drink slowly and eat slowly." He instructed.

I nodded.

"I will test it, thank you." I responded.

"Though Jimin." The dietitian said as I stood up.

"Yes?" I muttered.

"I recommend you visit a doctor." He said to me very calmly.

I silently nodded as I grabbed my grey coat before heading to the door.

"Thank you." I responded to the man before leaving through a grey door.

I sighed while paying at the counter.

Then I walked outside to get into Jungkook's black car.

I opened it before climbing inside slowly so I wouldn't upset my stomach. 

Then I closed the door, putting on my seat-belt.

"So how did it go?" Jungkook asked while pulling out as I sat in the passenger seat.

"Good, he gave me some tips on how to improve my diet." I told him while lifting my knees up to my chest.

"Oh, so there was a problem with your diet?" Jungkook asked while pulling out of the parking lot.

"Yes." I lied looking out the window.

"Oh that's good, I hope you get better then Jiminie, then we can go out for drinks so I can get away from Hayoon." Jungkook said while laughing.

I laughed softly as I continued looking out the window.

Did I lie to Jungkook? Fuck yeah.

Why did I lie to Jungkook? Because I want him to stop worrying about two people.

Jungkook is my best friend and since I've been a bit sick, he's been driving me everywhere and getting groceries for me when he should be focusing more on his own partner.

Piece of me - Vmin (Mpreg)Where stories live. Discover now