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"He's as crazy about you as you are about him."



Jimin's POV

The week went very smoothly, filled with wonderful dates with Taehyung.

One day we went to a market trying fresh local food, the next we had a picnic with the lovely food we bought and so on.

Every day that I spent with this man I felt a step closer to finding another piece of me that I thought was lost.

He makes me happy and isn't shy about exchanging a brief kiss, hugging me or holding my hands.

"So what's the plan for today?" I questioned Taehyung through the phone.

A piece of me is quite nervous because today is my last full day in Boryeong-si.

Also not a single mention to Taehyung has been brought up about what we are either. Whether we are dating, are boyfriend and boyfriend or whether we aren't going to be like that.

Could this whole trip be a summer fling? Love that only lasts for a week and then perishes once I step foot back in Busan?

"I thought I could professionally take you out for dinner at a fancy place." Taehyung responded, his voice was deep and husky so I presume he'd only just woken up too.

Imagines of Taehyung sitting in a big bed, maybe shirtless, flooded my mind as we talked.

"Woah really?" I gasped.

"Yeah, you gotta see the rich side of Boryeong-si again before you leave. Plus it would be nice to take you somewhere more classy then just going to get pizza." Taehyung muttered.

I nodded.

"How fancy are we talking because I didn't bring many fancy clothes." I stated through the phone as I stretched my legs flat out under my bed sheets.

"Go shopping with your friends today because the restaurants quite fancy." Taehyung responded.

"Like suit kind of fancy?" I questioned.

"Yeah." Taehyung responded as I heard a noise in the background.

"Sorry Yeontan need's feeding, I will pick you up at 6:00pm, which should be enough time for you to shop and get ready." Taehyung told me.

I nodded while looking at the clock that showed it was 9:34am.

"Okay, go feed him." I responded.

"Alright, see you tonight." Taehyung coed.  

A smile brightened my face.

"See you tonight, bye." I replied before he hung up.

I wonder how good looking Taehyung is in a suit. I'd imagine he's quite attractive but his beachy long ish brunette hair makes me wonder.

I got up from bed, my eyes scanning across at the lube that sat on my bedside table before I continued to get up.

Is there a reason Taehyung chose dinner and not lunch? Surely not, but it's possible maybe he wants something more to happen tonight?

I also am nervous because if we are going to some fancy place, it is possible more serious talks could happen tonight such as whether we are dating, or the problem that we live in two different places.

Piece of me - Vmin (Mpreg)Where stories live. Discover now