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"You know you can tell me anything, if you're upset it concerns me and it's my job to be here for you." 



Taehyung's POV

Monday, week 6 of Jimin's pregnancy, 3:40pm.

I pulled my car up the driveway before getting out with some groceries I bought from the store.

I walked around Jimin's car heading to the front door.

I bent over, putting the bags down before unlocking Jimin's door with the spare key he gave me.

Then I wandered inside the with bags, leaving the door unlocked.

I headed towards the kitchen bench and started putting away the groceries.

But to my surprise, not once did Jimin come out from wherever he was to help me.

Does he not know I'm home?

Wouldn't he be eager to see me after work?

Once I finished putting the groceries away I headed to the bathroom to check if Jimin was in there.

Maybe he was sick?

Though the bathroom was empty.

I continued walking down the hallway, heading to the bedroom.

The door was closed so I lent against the door, pressing my ear to it.

I could hear a sound, it sounded like Jimin's voice but it was muffled.

I turned the golden knob before pushing the door open.

My lips parted while my eyes scanned the room.

Jimin sat, curled up in a ball on our bed.

His hands were covering his face, his cheeks red and tear stained.

"No, no, baby!" I gasped before quickly rushing over to Jimin, sitting down beside him on his side of our bed, wrapping my arm around his shoulders before pushing him into my arms.

My heart ached hearing Jimin's light whimpers and cries in my arms.

In a swift motion, Jimin removed his hands from his face before hiding his face against my neck, turning a bit to wrap his arms around me.

I ran my hand up and down his back soothingly while patting his hair with my other hand.

Then I kissed his forehead, his smaller fingers tightly grabbing onto my shirt as his tears slowed down.

"Baby, what's wrong? Why are you crying?" I whispered gently.

Jimin didn't answer, he just kept biting his bottom lip to try to control his tears that were falling even though it was no use because he didn't stop.

"Is it because of the drawers? I can sell them if you don't like them." I muttered while feeling nausea rising.

Did I do this to my boyfriend?

I shouldn't have got them in the first place.

"No," Jimin murmured while hiccuping.

His voice sounded broken and raspy.

"Drawers are useful." Jimin mumbled against my neck, his tears dripping down onto my black T shirt, drenching the collar.

"Then why are you crying baby?" I asked him while running my hand up and down his back.

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