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"It's our baby boy's birthday, the first one. I didn't think it would be fitting to not share this day with you too."



Taehyungs POV

AU - Ya may want tissues, am not sure, I cried while writing it but then reading it after I was fine (however that could have been bec I knew what I had written) so take ya pick of whether you start with tissues.

1 year later, Saturday, 8:30am.

My eyes opened to the sound of Juwon crying.

I stretched out my body, kicking my legs over the bed before wandering just down the hallway into Juwons room.

I walked over to the crib where Juwon lay, lifting him out.

"Hi." I coed softly while holding Juwon in my arms.

"Are you hungry hm?" I hummed softly as Juwon continued to cry.

I bent over kissing his face, making him start to giggle as I left a raspberry on his tummy, stopping his cries.

Then I wandered with him in my arms through the lounge, then to the kitchen.

I heated up the baby milk bottle before putting Juwon into the baby chair.

Then I cut up some bananas for him, mushing it a bit because his mouth is still developing.

Then I put down the plate, lifting some banana up on a spoon to Juwons mouth.

"Shall we go see your daddy today?" I hummed while letting the banana slip into his mouth while his small stubby fingers grabbed onto the plastic board in front of him.

I smiled while seeing some banana drip down his plumper lip.

"You remind me of him everyday." I muttered to myself while brushing my finger over Juwons lip.

Juwon hummed random sounds while hitting his hands on the table to indicate he wanted more.

I chuckled before spooning some more in his mouth.

Then I got up to grab the warmed milk as Yeontan ran towards me.

I bent over while smiling as I pet him with the milk in my left hand.

Then I walked back over to Juwon, letting his smaller hands wrap around the bottle as he sucked at the tip.

His dark black hair was an untidy mess on the top of his head and his eyes were a stunning chocolatey brown like Jimins.

Even his skin was like Jimins.

The only thing that I've noticed that is similar to me is that even though he has similar lips to Jimin, when he smiles, he has a box smile like mine.

I spoon fed him the rest of the banana while every now and again eating some of it myself.

Then I lifted Juwon out of the chair.

"Happy Birthday my little man, we shall open birthday gifts with your father." I whispered softly while taking him back to his bedroom in my arms.

I put him down, sitting up in the crib before searching through his clothing.

My heart sank while seeing denim overalls with a dinosaur sleeved shirt and some pants. The pair Jimin loved when we went shopping.

I felt tears gloss over my eyes as I pulled it out of the wardrobe.

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