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"Jimin-ah, I hope you don't mind but I let the specialist doctor hold the baby a little while we were waiting for you to wake up."



Taehyung's POV

Once the doctor left, I walked over to Jimin, sitting back down where I sat the whole procedure while waiting for the baby to be born.

Jihyun moved the curtain, making sure Jimin's shirt was down while waiting for him to wake up.

"Jimin-ah." Jihyun called while clicking his fingers in front of his face.

"Can you not, I'm tired." I heard leave his lips.

I laughed while running my slender hand over our baby's tummy.

I leaned over to kiss Jimin's cheek before speaking, "Don't you want to see our baby?" I coed.

Jimin's eyes opened instantly before he sat up.

"Jimin, slow down. You just had surgery." Jihyun muttered as I watched Jimin raise his hand, lifting up his shirt.

A line of stitching ran across his stomach.

Then his head turned to the side.

He smiled while seeing me but grinned wider seeing the baby between my hands, wrapped up in a towel.

"He's so cute." Jimin squealed happily.

"May I hold him?" Jimin asked me eagerly.

"Of course, he's our baby, you don't even need to ask because I was going to give him to you." I replied before carefully lifting the baby over into his arms.

I could see the tears sparkling in his eyes as he looked down at our baby in his hands.

"He's gorgeous." Jimin gasped while running his smaller index finger over the baby's soft cheek.

"He's more delicate than I expected." I replied.

"Are we sticking with the name?" Jimin asked me.

"Ooo, what name did you pick?" Jihyun asked excitedly when the baby started to cry.

"Actually, we both didn't choose it." Jimin replied while looking at Jihyun.

Jihyun looked confused as he raised his eyebrow.

"One of my students came up with it. It just feels right to call him Juwon." Jimin replied and I nodded my head in agreement.

"Well Juwon is very cute." Jihyun replied.

"Namjoon's gonna be super excited." Jimin snickered while looking at me.

I laughed while nodding.

"Jimin-ah, I hope you don't mind but I let the specialist doctor hold the baby a little while we were waiting for you to wake up." I told him.

"Oh, that's fine. I would like to thank the specialist doctor myself though." Jimin muttered.

"Want me to go find him?" Jihyun asked.

Jimin nodded before watching Jihyun disappear out the door.

"Shall I take a photo of you holding Juwon and then you taking a photo of me and Juwon?" I suggested.

Jimin nodded while smiling as he rested his back, back against the headboard.

I stood up, taking my phone out of my pocket, clicking a few photos of Jimin holding Juwon before swapping.

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