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"You are the most embarrassing person I have ever met!"



Jimin's POV

"Jungkook! Your face is so burnt!" I said laughing as I looked at Jungkook's tomato red burned skin.

"Shut it. I forgot to put on sunscreen." Jungkook muttered pouting as we walked along the side of the beach, Hayoon on the other side of Jungkook.

"It's okay, after Jimin's night out tonight, hopefully by tomorrow he will be on a date and you can stay inside hiding your sun burnt face." Hayoon reminded Jungkook who nodded as we headed towards the bar.

"Am I allowed to get drunk?" I questioned looking at the others.

"No because I know you. You will get drunk then end up in someone else's bed which isn't tonight's purpose. Or you will make a fool of yourself and your chances of finding love on a break while you aren't working becomes fucking slim." Jungkook grumbled.

"Fine." I whined as Hayoon headed into the bar, followed by Jungkook and I.

"Alright so, Hayoon and I are gonna order our drinks and yours, then you can go for a walk around to see if there's anyone you like the look of or something then you can come back or if we think you are stuck in a conversation with someone I will come bring you your drink." Jungkook explained over top of the music.

I nodded.

"So what do you want to drink?" He asked me holding his hand out for money.

I sighed putting money into his hand.

"Just get me a bottle of soju please." I said to Jungkook who nodded in response, grabbing his wife's hand to lead her towards the bar.

I sighed as I pushed through people on the dance floor.

My eyes scanned over peoples faces as primarily a good place for me to check is if the guy likes dancing like I do, it's a good sign.

But all the men were extremely unattractive.

Even all the men sitting down seemed unappealing.

I leaned against the wall as I looked around noticing Jungkook was looking back as me.

I shrugged and he pouted in the distance before I made my way back over to them.

They sat at a small square table with wooden bar stools.

"Couldn't see anyone you liked?" Jungkook asked and I shook my head looking off into the distance.

"Hell no, all the guys in here are too old, too straight or just flat out ugly in my opinion." I said with a sigh.

"Hmm well at least you didn't bump into you know who." Jungkook coed.

"Isn't he right over there?" Hayoon asked pointing behind me.

I slouched in the chair closing my eyes tightly.

"I don't see where you are pointing." Jungkook muttered looking behind me.

"That's because he's not there. I was curious if Jimin would hide or whether he would turn and look for him. The fact you hid definitely means your done with him so you passed my test." Hayoon stated while I flared my nose at the women in front of me as I opened my eyes.

"Holy shit." I gasped as happened to glace at the person behind Hayoon.

Behind her stood a male with the most beautifully tanned skin, his hair a dark brunette brown, his lips were thin but perfectly shaped, his smile lighting up the room with the most welcoming beam, his nose prominent and defined while he stood tall, maybe the same height as Jungkook.

Piece of me - Vmin (Mpreg)Where stories live. Discover now