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"Your body is stunning baby."



Jimins POV

Taehyung after dinner led me back inside my sleep out as I was extremely tipsy.

I was on the verge of being drunk from drinking so much fancy wine but thankfully I wasn't.

I still could think for myself.

"Jimin-ah, get in bed please. You need to rest your head." Taehyung said while leaning over in front of me while I sat upright on the end of my bed.

Our eyes met before I leaned in planting a kiss on his lips.

Entire chapter from here is for mature audiences. If you don't feel comfortable reading sex scenes then skip to next chapter. (Once it comes out for some)

My heart began to race as the kiss got deeper.

Taehyung softly wrapped his hand around the back of my head to support it before pushing me down on the bed so that he could climb over top of me.

I could feel his entire warm body against my own now as his tongue got lost in my mouth.

His hands caressed my hair before shifting down my waist, his hands feeling up under my shirt.

Taehyung then softly pulled back from the kiss.

"Jiminie, I should probably go home and let you rest." He coed before kissing my cheek.

I sat up pouting as he got off of me.

"Taehyung-ah." I called as I saw his outline in the dark in front of my curtains.

"Yes?" He responded while turning back to face me.

"Will you stay?" I asked nervously while butterflies erupted in my stomach.

Taehyung didn't move while he was thinking.

"You know what, sure." He said pulling his shirt off over his head before pushing me back down in the bed, climbing back over top of me.

I smiled seeing his stunning face in the dark before he started to kiss all over my neck.

My breathing got heavier before he pulled my shirt off, leaving his mark all over my chest.

My stomach felt like it was spinning from the attention to my body.

I haven't been touched like this for a very long time.

"Your body is stunning baby." Taehyung coed softly while running his fingers across my hips.

"Yah, so is yours." I said blushing madly as he kissed above my suit pants.

"May I take them off?" Taehyung asked gently while leaning back over me to give my lips a peck before waiting for my response.

"Yes." I answered while my cheeks tinted.

Taehyung kissed me more passionately as he pulled down my nice suit pants, doing the same for his pants.

Only I could feel his bulge over me, making me feel more aroused as I ran my hands through his dark hair.

His hands carefully pulled down my boxers before he did his own, then he laid his naked body against my own.

I enjoyed our skin contact as I felt his warm body.

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