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"Namjoon, this is a lovely poem, only maybe you can give me something more original next time, something that isn't William Shakespeare's poem."



Jimin's POV

I've been back in Busan for a week. Every night I call Taehyung once he's done with work at the bar, but talking to him for an hour before bed isn't the same as being in contact with him.

I stopped spacing out when someone called, "Mr Park?" 

I looked up as one of my students stood in front of me with his writing workbook in his small hand.

"Sir, can you read my poem and check if it's okay?" He asked and I nodded, taking the book from him.

I read, I love thee with a love that shall not die, till the sun grows cold and the stars grow old.

My heart fluttered reading the poem, it summed up my feelings for Taehyung pretty well.

"Namjoon, this is a lovely poem, only maybe you can give me something more original next time, something that isn't William Shakespeare's poem." I said making eye contact with the raven haired boy.

He sighed.

"I know you are good at maths and all but if you work hard you will get better at writing too, just stop trying to cheat. It's a bad habit." I stated while sighing as he pouted before looking down.

"I will make you proud sir, I'm sorry." Namjoon muttered as I nodded.

"You will do, I'm sure of it. Go back to your desk and write me something more original, yeah?" I suggested while smiling.

He nodded, taking his workbook from my hands, running back to his desk.

"Are you thinking about something Mr Park?" A student of mine (called Hijoon) asked as he stood in front of me with his own workbook.

"Why would you ask that?" I asked curiously.

"You keep spacing off Sir since your holiday, did something happen?" He asked.

I shook my head while taking his workbook from him to read.

"Did you meet the 'one'?" A girl squealed from the back of the class.

I looked up while laughing.

"That's completely none of your business, get back to work." I gasped out seeing my entire class's eyes on me.

"So there is someone sir?" Hijoon asked quietly.

I laughed before reading his poem while ignoring his question.

"This is perfect Hijoon. Well done." I told him while smiling softly.

Hijoon clapped his hands happily together, then he grabbed his text book before going over to talk to his friends.

I smiled while picking up my phone from my bag, seeing texts from Taehyung and Jungkook.

Taehyung's messages read...


I managed to pick up an extra shift at the bar today.

I will be a millionaire someday!

I smiled softly reading his messages before replying.

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