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"Tonight's our last night."



Jimin's POV

I picked out a lovely black suit with Jungkook's help before we wandered down the road.

"Is that Yoongi?" Jungkook mumbled under his breath.

I jumped quickly behind him.

Jungkook then laughed.

"I'm messing with you, I honestly don't believe he's here anymore." Jungkook stated.

I sighed in relief.

"But where would he go too? His family even lived here." I mentioned.

"Maybe they left too once he moved?" Jungkook suggested.

I sighed and shrugged.

"It's not like I want to see him but part of me does wonder how he's doing." I stated.

"Hmmm, changing the subject, shall we get ice cream?" Jungkook suggested looking at an ice cream store beside us.

"Ooo yes." I hummed; after all it is summer and the sun was striking hard down on us.

We walked inside seeing a lovely sweet woman at the counter.

"Can I have three scoops of mint and chocolate chip ice cream?" Jungkook asked the woman before she got his ice cream ready.

"Wow, greedy." I muttered under my breath as he nudged my arm pouting.

I smiled at that.

"Can I have a single scoop of chocolate ice cream?" I asked once Jungkook got handed his.

She nodded while getting my ice cream.

We paid, then turned around to find a place to sit.

But my breath hitched as my eyes fell upon someone I knew.

Someone who was looking straight back at me, his brown eyes staring at me while he kept eating ice cream that he held in a cup up to his mouth.

Jungkook seemed to notice where my eyes went and his mouth fell open too in shock.

The male was wearing a full length wet-suit, and he showed it off as he got up walking towards us.

"Man for once I've never been more happy to see you." A warm voice coed in my ear as he happily hugged me kissing all over my face.

"Ew yuck, Hoseok stop." I muttered.

He laughed.

"Do have a seat." He said going back to where he sat, offering the seats opposite him to us.

I walked over first, taking a seat while Jungkook followed.

Part of Jungkook was properly wondering why I'd be so happy to eat ice cream with Yoongi's best friend but part of me feels quite welcomed to see him.

"How's it going? You moved away from here right?" Hoseok asked while he continued eating his chocolate ice cream from a green bowl.

"Yeah, pretty good, we moved to Busan. I'm now working in a school." I mentioned.

"And Jungkook?" Hoseok asked.

"I work in my friend's restaurant. Also have a wife now." Jungkook said happily before licking his ice cream.

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