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"Just checking, you didn't come to break up with me right?"



Jimin's POV

Saturday - 9:30pm

Jungkook and I jumped out of his vehicle.

Butterflies erupted in my stomach as I looked at the beach bar in front of us.

"Um Jimin, I'm gonna sort out a place for us to sleep because I think it would be better if we don't drive the whole way home after this." Jungkook told me.

"True, it is quite late." I muttered as I looked down the beach, examining the water surrounded by darkness and the odd post light.

"Hell if this goes to plan maybe you will end up in Taehyung's bed tonight." Jungkook snickered while pulling out his phone.

My cheeks blushed wildly as my gaze cast back to the beach bar.

"Well, what are you waiting for?" Jungkook asked while he lent against his car, trying to book a place for him or us to sleep.

"I'm a bit nervous, I know he will be happy to see me but he's not expecting me. And I'm very nervous of what he may say when he finds out." I muttered to Jungkook.

"Taehyung will be so happy, I know it. He's totally the family guy material," Jungkook started.

"You may have only known each other for like a week but he's totally falling for you." Jungkook hummed.

"Yeah but a child after knowing each other in person for a week is big, what if he gets angry because I haven't seen that side of him. I'm just nervous to share the news even though I want to so badly. I want his support but I'm scared he won't be supportive." I explained.

"Yeah, well, there's only one way to find out. So get in there." Jungkook said while pushing me towards the bar.

I sighed nervously while biting my lip as I approached the bar.

Once I turned the handle, I wandered inside.

There was a decent amount of people inside, most of the general public holding beers in their hands.

"Hi, want something to drink sir?" A woman called from my left.

"Um, no, is Taehyung here?" I asked her.

"Over in the corner taking drink orders." She responded pointing to the far corner of the bar.

My heart skipped a beat as my orbs fell upon the most handsome man.

His hair was messy, possibly from being in the sea earlier. 

His charming smile that I love was plastered on his face as he tried to seem friendly to customers.

He wore his apron, along with a white long sleeve cotton shirt that had a couple buttons near the top, black dress shoes, along with some brown, black and white checkered pants.

"Thank you," I told the lady before I nervously approached Taehyung.

"Your orders will be here in a minute." I heard Taehyung say to the couple he was serving.

Butterflies erupted in my stomach as I heard his voice in person once more.

"Taehyung." I said confidently to catch his attention, however I was far from feeling confident.

Piece of me - Vmin (Mpreg)Where stories live. Discover now