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"Oh shit, you're cute." 



Yoongi's POV

~ Flashback ~

2 years ago.

I left a patients room, seeing them peacefully sleeping while tucked up under white lavish bed sheets.

My shift was a night shift so I arrived at midnight and it's now just after 3 o'clock in the morning.

I sighed while walking down the corridor.

I've almost become like an owl because I sleep during the day but am awake at night.

My nose scrunched up as I heard vomiting from inside a room.

I read the tag that was above the door before entering, finding out it was a drug abuse room.

There wasn't a doctor in sight as a male was bent over the sink in the corner of the room.

I also noticed he'd pressed his button wanting assistance but it seems he hasn't had any.

"You okay?" I asked while patting his back as he vomited again in the sink.

I couldn't see the male's face, however he shook his head.

"Do I look okay?" His voice slurred.

"No. I'm just not a doctor for drug abuse patients but happened to be around." I stated.

A second later, a woman came in with a massive needle. Pushing the male back towards the bed so that he perched upon the edge of it before sticking a needle inside his arm, presumably a substance to calm him down.

A second later she put another needle in him, this time it was connected to a fluid bag.

His head hung low as he looked at his arms.

He cried, wincing before ripping the fluid pipe out of his blood stream.

"No!" The nurse muttered.

"Doctor, can you give me some help?" The nurse complained before grabbing his arm again.

I walked over, sitting down on the bed beside the male.

He seemed young, maybe a couple years younger than me.

His waist was super skinny, even the size of his arms was tiny. I could wrap my hand fully around his arm width if I tried.

"I don't want it. Don't let her do it." He stuttered while keeping his head down.

"It will be good for your body." I replied as she went to put the needle connected to the fluid bag back in.

"It feels uncomfortable." He muttered.

"But it will make you feel more normal. Do you feel like everything is spinning?" I asked him.

"No, I feel like I can see everything more clearly. But then it's also turning into a rainbow smudge of colours the longer I look at things." The male murmured.

"Don't you want to see things without the smudge of colours?" I asked him softly as he raised his hand to pull the needle back out.

"Yes." He replied.

Piece of me - Vmin (Mpreg)Where stories live. Discover now