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"He died!?"



Jimin's POV

I slowly got off the couch while rubbing my stomach as I heard the doorbell ring.

For some reason I can just feel my stomach churning as though it's preparing for me to vomit, or preparing for something else.

Normally anyone who knows me would just use the key that I hide under my door mat so it's likely someone is just trying to sell me something.

I smiled hoping I'd see Taehyung when I opened the door because he's someone who wouldn't know about the key.

He's honestly the only one I wish I could see out of anyone, even over my best friend, he is the only person I want to hold in my arms until I feel better.

It's been 3 weeks since I was in Boryeong-si and I've put off going to the doctors still, only I have booked a session with my dietician tomorrow so hopefully whatever I'm eating that's making me unwell goes away tonight.

I opened my front door wearing grey sweatpants and a black hoodie, only my mouth fell open at the person standing at the door.

"Mother?" I gasped shocked upon seeing the women on my doorstep.

"Don't open your mouth like that or flies will find their way inside." She snickered, lifting up my jaw to close my mouth with her old dainty hand.

I haven't seen my mother for years. What is she doing here?

"How do you know where I live?" I asked leaning on the front door, allowing for my tired legs to have a rest with less pressure on them.

"I've always known where you lived. You may have moved to Boryeong-si and then to Busan but I keep updates on where my son moves too." She uttered.

"Um, then why are you visiting now?" I asked while rubbing the back of my neck confused.

"Your fathers dead, he's left you some money." My mother said before handing me a piece of paper.


"He died!?" I gasped.

"Yes, he's had cancer for a couple years Jimin-ssi." She hissed.

"And you didn't think once about telling your son that his dad had a terminal illness and that I should maybe spend some time with him before he passes rather than holding some grudge?" I gasped out.

I mean, my father and I weren't very close but my father was always the nicer one out of my parents.

"Why do you care? You probably would have beat him up while intoxicated if he was still in your life." She snapped.

"I haven't gotten intoxicated for about a year, people do change." I stated through gritted teeth as I examined the piece of paper.

"₩500,000? Mother, father was rich, where's all the money going too?" I asked confused.

"Your younger brother and I, please if I didn't convince him to give you less, his money would have all gone towards drugs and likely alcohol." She said with a stern look on her face.

"I'm not like that anymore, that is unfair. You just want the money for yourself." I grumbled.

"So what if I do? He's gone and won't be changing it. You will be lucky if you even get a cent from me when I pass." She said, crossing her hands over her chest.

Piece of me - Vmin (Mpreg)Where stories live. Discover now