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"Is it bad that since what happened today, I've been thinking about getting an abortion."



Taehyung's POV

~ Flashback ~

Monday, week 6 of Jimin's pregnancy, 4pm.

I couldn't believe anything that Jimin just told me.

How could some people do this to anyone?

Public humiliation is ridiculous.

I pulled Jimin closer to me on my lap, wrapping my arms tightly around his back as he rested his head against my shoulder.

"Is it bad that since what happened today, I've been thinking about getting an abortion." Jimin murmured quietly in my ear.

"Why would you want to have an abortion?" I hummed back while running my hand up and down Jimin's back.

"Because I don't know how much humiliation I can take from my school. It's going to be mentally draining if it continues." Jimin whined.

"But wouldn't you want to have this baby so we can prove them wrong. To show them that you are pregnant?" I started.

"Plus you've wanted to have kids for years. You have an opportunity to have your own children easily with both of us inside it. Do you want to throw that away?" I asked while placing my hand on Jimin's clothed stomach.

Jimin sighed, "No, this is everything I wanted. Just I didn't expect it to be so hard." Jimin muttered.

"It shouldn't have to be so hard, they are just rude assholes." I grumbled lowly.

I heard a soft giggle come from beside my shoulder.

I turned to look at my handsome boyfriend who's dark hair was a mess lying on my shoulder, his glossy brown eyes searching for safety in my eyes.

"I'm going with you to work tomorrow." I assertively coed before kissing Jimin's cheek.

A soft smile formed on Jimin's lips as he nodded.

~ End of Flashback ~

Tuesday, week 6 of Jimin's pregnancy, 8:30am

I walked onto school grounds beside Jimin.

Jimin was wearing an oversized black coat that was belted up across his middle to try to hide his body's frame, his black pants could only just be seen below the coat, his black shiny boots easier to see.

I wore a baggy white shirt with grey short sleeves, with black ripped jeans, some white sneakers and a beanie to cover some of my messy beach hair.

Jimin led me up the stairs of his school, however my eyes did notice the signs hanging off the fence.

I sighed reading more of them then what Jimin told me about.

One read, 'Stop teaching our children now if you're just trying to get a paid holiday'

We walked down the corridor where kids were getting books and toys from their lockers.

However as soon as they saw us, the corridor cleared a path as they lined the lockers, giving us a wide space to walk through.

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