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"God, you are as handsome as I remember."



Jimin's POV

I looked up from where I sat wrapped up in a baby blue blanket on my black couch as Jungkook walked into my house.

It's been 2 weeks since I was on holiday now and I've come down oddly sick.

"Hey, how you feeling?" Jungkook called while putting groceries he nicely went and got for me on the bench.

"Not the best Kook, I don't understand where I could have gotten sick from. It's like I have an ongoing problem with my diet because I keep vomiting, alongside being tired." I complained.

"Wait is Jungkook at your house!? Can you put me on speaker?" Taehyung asked through the phone.

"Tae, you have been on speaker the entire time and yes he is here." I explained to Taehyung through the phone.

"Jungkook can you please tell Jimin to go to the damn doctor. If his school kids weren't even sick like he claims, he shouldn't have something like a tummy bug, plus if he has a diet problem, it should be sorted sooner rather then later." Taehyung stated through the phone.

"Yah, Taehyung I will go to the doctor if it doesn't fix by itself in a bit." I hummed.

I do feel bad, I know I am sick and I know Taehyung just has urges to take care of me but it's just a small cold that should go away sooner or later. I don't believe it's Covid-19 either if I'm vomiting.

"I hope you do get better soon Jiminie, I can't afford to look after you as well as Hayoon. She's still driving me insane, now over chores. She will angrily yell at me whenever I'm home. It's gotten to the point where I'd rather not be at home." Jungkook grumbled as he sat down on the couch beside me.

I chuckled.

"That's pregnant women for you." I snorted.

My eyes widened as I quickly leaned over grabbing a bowl I left beside me as I vomited into it.

"Yuck... Your vomiting is as gross as Hayoon's morning sickness... Man, I hate whatever little child gave you this sickness." Jungkook huffed while pinching his nose between his fingers.

"Aw baby, please get checked." Taehyung huffed.

"I've only had the vomiting for 24 hours so it's likely a tummy bug, but once I'm coping more, if it's not a tummy bug, I will get some diet test done. And I'm sure I'm just tired from going back to work for the last two weeks." I stated wiping my mouth on some tissues.

"Ah... I can't believe it's now been 2 weeks since I was with you, I miss you so much, it's weird not seeing you daily, even if I only did for a week. It was just extremely comforting." Taehyung hummed.

"Awww, I miss you too, definitely it was nice seeing you everyday." I coed watching Jungkook's nose scrunch up.

"Sometimes I really wish I didn't encourage you to look for someone while we were on holiday, however I am happy you are happy, just I don't like witnessing the cringy stuff with other people." Jungkook muttered.

I chuckled to Jungkook's comments while Jungkook cleaned the bowl I puked in.

"Also I brought you your favorite chips, I thought they may cheer you up." Jungkook said bringing them over too me with the bowl.

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