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"Ohhh maybe we were neighbors? I guess we weren't lucky because I didn't ever see you."



Jimin's POV

As we walked back up the beach, I noticed Taehyung had pulled the zip of his wet-suit down while pulling his arms out of it before tying it around his middle; leaving the top half of his body naked.

His caramel golden chest and abs have my heart racing as I can't even focus on his face while he's talking to me.

Once we made it to Taehyung's car I took out my clothes to put on while Taehyung put away the boards.

Then I walked to the changing rooms to get changed.

~ Flashback ~

(Mature audiences can read the following)

I pushed Yoongi's back against the door, leaching off his lips as his hands felt their way up under my wet shirt.

He pulled it above my head breaking the kiss of a second to give me time to pull off his shirt too.

Simultaneously we headed towards the sink, Yoongi lifting me up to sit on it.

He pulled down my wet shorts and his while tightening his arms around my waist.

His kisses were deep and passionate while he spread my legs, rubbing his slender hands along my upper thigh soothingly.

I leaned my head back against the mirror as he slowly slipped inside of me.

A light moan left my lips as he continued while kissing up and down my neck.

~ End of Flashback ~

I felt tears piercing my eyes as I stood still in the same cubicle I once shared with Yoongi.

I slapped my cheek taking my eyes away from the sink to walk over to the wooden bench.

My heart was pulsing from painful wonderful memories.

Once I put down my things, I was quick to get dressed.

Personally, I didn't want to spend anymore time in the changing room then I had too because so many locked away memories I had forgotten just kept coming back.

Then I hurried out of the changing rooms, wiping my eyes so that Taehyung wouldn't possibly see a random tear slip from my umber eyes.

I noticed Taehyung had already changed and was now wearing a summery button up blue shirt with purple and green flowers on it with some yellow shorts.

I bit my lip nervously noticing a couple buttons at the top of his shirt were left undone, showing off his tanned skin.

We made eye contact and he grinned.

"Wow, you look nice even without makeup on." Taehyung gasped seeing my messy blonde hair as I stood in a blue over-sized button up shirt, with smaller flower details on mine then Taehyung's with also some blue ripped jeans.

I smiled widely, blushing at his comments.

He likes my bare face? I don't even need to dress up nice for him to be attracted to me...

"So where do you wanna go for lunch? I'm paying." Taehyung stated as he stopped leaning on his car.

"Um well I don't feel like something with stake or like Korean roast food,  I'm not in the mood for Japanese food so no sushi, I don't feel like soup, I don't want to go to KFC because I used too always go with my ex, Mcdonalds always has soggy chips, so how about Pizza?" I asked.

Piece of me - Vmin (Mpreg)Where stories live. Discover now