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"I almost forgot what it felt like to not be carrying the weight of a baby."



Jimin's POV

Tuesday, week 38 of Jimin's pregnancy, 3:48am.

Both Taehyung and I have stopped working now because time is getting a lot closer to the time our baby will be born.

I stood in loose pajama bottoms while looking over my appearance in the mirror.

My stomach was massive, I had stares from so much of the general public whenever I went to the supermarket recently.

My chest has become more limp now, my pecs sort of feel looser and soft.

The dim bathroom light hung above my head as my hands held onto the white sink cabinet.

While filling a glass up with water I took deep breaths in and out.

My own body is finding it a bit harder to breathe now.

I feel as though I'm breathing for my life and for my baby's.

I drank the cool water, letting it slide down my throat before taking deep breaths again.

My head hung low while I sighed.

Recently it's been getting harder to sleep.

I think it's just that my body is becoming conscious that my labour is going to be happening.

Hayoon and Jungkook's baby was born yesterday morning at 5:39am.

However they have claimed that they don't want Taehyung and I to see their baby girl yet because of hygiene which I do understand because I have been vomiting a lot.

They decided to name their child Bora after the colour purple because we all found the name cute and the colour to us just represents us coming together.

I felt something warm run over my back before draping over my chest.

I looked up in the mirror seeing Taehyung press his bare stomach against my back as he hung his head over my shoulder.

"Are you okay?" He asked me softly, his voice deep and low from just waking.

"Yeah, you should go back to sleep." I replied while drinking some more water.

"Don't brush me off, I care about you so I'm going to stay." Taehyung whined before yawning.

"Tae, you are obviously tired and I'm not brushing you off, just I care about your sleep." I snapped.

"Damn you are a hot head sometimes." Taehyung scoffed.

"I'm not a hot head, I'm just tired and pregnant which is making me an emotional wreck." I grumbled.

"I don't mean it in a bad way, just you are definitely my main support so I need you to be healthy, resting and eating well." I hummed while Taehyung let one of his large hands run over my bare arm.

"Are you cold?" Taehyung questioned.

"No." I responded.

"Does something hurt?" He whispered, letting one of his hands wrap around my upper chest, his other hand landing on my stomach.

"No, I just feel restless and my stomach feels heavy." I whined while pouting, looking at my reflection and Taehyung in the mirror.

Taehyung placed his hands under my stomach before cupping below my stomach.

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