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Deep and desolate is where I wait.
Forever green all around me, shaded moss beneath the trees, as a little forest creature lays to rest. The bearer of the purest heart. Legend says, one drop of blood from this heart can bring eternal life. He is who holds the heart of the forest, and as long as he lives, the forest grows steadily. No axe nor fire can cut or burn this forest down, for one hundred miles in proximity. But, the greed of man, is to conquer all, as their God is the, "only - one" but is not the chosen one. The all mighty, righteous, and forgiving. Murderers and Rapists may still walk through the heavenly gates, as long as they truly believe, and ask for forgiveness. Only at the price of them giving him, their life.

Every night alone becomes a test. The sun sets and darkness swallows the sky, the moon screaming through the clouds, a light fog arises, where the shadowy figures lurk in the dark. Why do they always hide in the shadows where none can see them? I can feel all their eyes on me, fixated on me as they close the gap. A noose around my neck. Claws for razors, and teeth for knives, the only monsters on this world. Their illuminated breath 3 feet in front of me. I'm surrounded. But, bound to this forest I'll forever be. Many believe it to be a gift, but as long as man exists, I have a death sentence as they have been hunting me down for a millennia.

I close my eyes, for just a moment, as death was near, with their knives in my glowing heart, blood dripping, I was betrayed by my own kind. Deep and desolate is where I wait. To be saved was thought to never be a possibility, but on this plane of infinity anything is possible. Big green eyes reflected, I stare up at the sky, with the moon staring back holding sorrow in his heart. A pool of blood filling my lungs. Roots from the trees began to wrap around me to stop the bleed, and cradle my pain. I'm suffocating and all but man, can see it. Mother Nature will surly take care of me during my final hour. I close my eyes, as I can finally rest.

A city creature wandering from a far, who finally broke free from her restraints. Bruises on her wrists from struggling to leave. She was also betrayed by man, and finally built enough courage to escape. Holding her fractured heart in her hands she sings with whatever joy she has left, trying to stay happy. The purest and most gentle voice you'll have ever heard. Her heart pulses still, pulling her towards the green. The edge of the city is where a line of trees exists, to never look back, or sink as low as she once did is her only wish. "Good things are coming.", she tells herself, but little did she know that it would soon become a reality. All she had to do, was follow her heart honestly.

As it was only written in the stars, that a girl with a fractured heart would one day approach the forest's walls. Where the trees would open to her generously, creating a straight path to her resurrection. One cannot breathe under the force of suffocation. As she walked and didn't stop for 24 hours and for it's entirety, all was dark in the forest, with only the moon, lighting the path created by the trees. All eyes on her, but this time, not of enemies. The other forest creatures began to offer her gifts of life, nurturing her, bringing her fruit and nuts from the trees, and clean water from the coldest of rivers. As she brushed by some of the trees, every touch from the leaves healed her bruises, and aching pain. Eventually she was 99 miles in, almost fully healed, but still with her fractured heart in her hands, as there was only so much that the trees could do. She began to notice something on the ground, as she never took her eyes off of her heart. A puddle of blood that stretched as far as she could see, she continues forward as her heart pulls her closer. She's able to see the end of the path as she begins to rush forward, wading through the blood as it now stands 1 foot deep, where a boy lays, nearly lifeless.

She approaches the boy, and with his last breath, he says, "Take a small piece of flesh from my heart, and place it on yours, and all that is mine, will also be yours, forever." She does as he asks, and instantly her heart is healed, and disappears into the cavity that lay empty inside, where her heart used to be. Life and light is brought back into her eyes, she began to glow. For the radiating light that emitted from her shot the darkness out of sight. Where all around her is brought to life. She spins and sings her favourite melody, looking up to the sky. But is suddenly stopped, by a gentle touch on her shoulder.

He tells her, "Don't stop. For your voice was heard by the trees, and the forest called to your heart."

Both with darkness in their past, they finally found their other half's. They created their own world, where they learned to love one another, and forever they lived, as their love never died. Keeping the forest safe, as the King of The Forest always longed for his Queen. Now that they are together, there is nothing that can break their hearts again.

It's always been you since the beginning, from now, and to infinity.

The end.

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