My First Love

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PS. I ruined it.
(It's over 3 years later)

There's a girl who goes by the name Gill, and I'm not yet sure if it's short for Gillian, but maybe..
Now, as I've been quite the hermit and I don't really do anything socially, I MUST HAVE MET THIS SOMEONE ON THE INTERNET, as I'm not just wandering around Ontario trying to get a chance with every lame woman I see. That would be a little strange. So, I decided to take the really normal route of the 21st century and meet someone over the web antisocially, because that's just how you do things these days. So, I was flipping around on the amazing app that no one uses called, "Tinder". I THEN COME ACROSS THIS WOMAN, with style and artistic talent.. As I had never seen such a woman quite like this, as I pondered and thought to myself.. "Damn." Some sort of dream that I had come upon. A fantasy I've wanted to know for an eternity. To be the man of one who's Art and soul shines in their very own way. As her attire style is old school thrifty and her painting style is simple tricky. Wearing all the colours she wears herself, her entirety drew me in significantly. With my name being, "Nope" on the display and her liking me anyway. The name of choice because I found the feeling of wanting someone else to want me to be rather sickening I would come back here to this app every so often to see what's happening. Back tracking I am I came across such a wonderful woman, thinking and dreaming that this one, this one could be my Painter Girl. I liked her and she liked me too, what a coincidence! I've chosen you, and you've chosen me, this couldn't possibly be?! Is this what has become of my soon to be reality, something of a fantasy that has come to life right in front of me? She messaged first and asked, "What kind of stuff do you write?" As this is the only thing I left down. To my delight I have seemed to have found one of a kind, someone who cares that I write. This made me very happy, as it's my best capability. Thinking, I can't wait for this girl to just see right through me. We carry on our conversation, and she eventually asks if I would like to FaceTime sometime. I said, "Tomorrow!" seeing if she was for real. The real deal. Soon it was set in stone.  The next day came quick, and right there on my phone is this beautiful self and soul.

April 12th, 2018 - 1:20 AM

Alright, earlier today Gill and I had our wonderful phone call for just over 4 hours. There really weren't any moments of silence during that entire conversation, aside from when I was eating some food. However, even with the tiny pauses, (not very often) they were comfortable, which is something she mentioned to me, and I totally agree.. No joke, this girl is so damn special. Also, SHE DOESN'T DRINK! Which is fantastic, as I've never met someone so great who doesn't actually drink. So, that's perfect, as our social styles are similar and we both don't prefer to get wasted and kill our minds. In addition, we have so many things in common, and it's honestly so weird. Really surreal. Honestly, I've been doing it all wrong this whole time, "Opposites attract" yeah? How about fuck that. Sure it would be weird to be exact, but I would say that we have generally, around 85% in common with one another. I think she would agree, and honestly maybe even knocking that number up to 95%. Who the heck knows at this point, but it's definitely a high percentile. Yeah, so before I was al for the opposites attract, yeah.. Maybe in chemistry and magnets, but this fast magic we have going for us, even a calculator could not compute. We've got those matching puzzle pieces. Seriously, maybe friends before I've had maybe 1 or 2 pieces matching up, but I'm getting this feeling that she's legit the other half of the puzzle of one of those 10,000 pieced puzzles, that only geniuses or psychos finish.. (Admit it) It's fantastic. Honestly, our words and thoughts are already moving at a fast pace, and we're both not about wasting anytime. We've got the hots, the zodiac signs, the similar and contrasting interests, and laughing ever other minute. So, why the heck wait?! Honestly, at this point we are already breaking the speed of light and breaking all of the, "rules" of progressively becoming mates. At this point, I'm just saying screw whatever everyone else is doing, I'm doing Gill. (Double pun! But take it the more appropriate way.) I'm on her train and it's going fast, and I'm telling her to not let up, and keep this thing full speed, and we'll either live in the stars or crash and burn. I would say at this rate, it's a solid 50/50 and I would take those odds any day of the week on a lottery like this. (Probably more like 97.5/2.5 for the win, but I wanted to make a clever joke) Some might say I'm head over heels, and some might suggest that she is too, I think. 🙂

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