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"P.S. This is a mixture of events, thoughts, and various writing parts. Maybe it's all nonsense, maybe it holds truth, or maybe it's all absence. You decide; no matter how light, or dark, I hope you enjoy its poetic and fluid moments.
Take care." - Kol

I feel myself uncontrollably slipping into the dark infinite abyss that is in each of our minds. To wake up from a shadowy separation; the right of my face smudged from a panicking nightmare, a bloodshot eye, and a face of despair. To the wars amongst man that promote annihilation, is but a small reflection of the horrors and unjust sufferings that are in the east and all space in-between that is unseen and unheard of.

"I'm sorry..."

To awake and question this delusional way of living. I feel the radical inside of me with tears rolling down the smoothness of ones skin, knocking, punching, kicking, at the door, screaming, wanting to invoke change, awareness; to break this saturated madness that is infecting our universe.

"We need more compassion..."

To have such an insignificant impact that one must surrender to all, and be forced to bear witness, to watch the constant suffering of others, or disassociate to survive without slowing oneself down to the same fate that awaits; to watch the world burn in flames, to watch all the colour being bleached from the ocean, to be fine with scattered limbs of children painting the canvas of a bombed school, quiet genocides, inclusiveness that only blindly promotes segregation, more manipulation, further exploitation, and yet we're so well behaved, mindlessly conforming to the sickness. All life is being completely violated at every front imaginable, & the reward for being silent against our internal and ethereal mutilation is a disgrace to the potential beauty and harmony that we could experience during our momentary existence. Obsessed with dopamine laced numbers that disappear just as we receive them. To allow ourselves to stand idle amused by illusions that reave all of individual identity. Their helpless vessel that is infected has been decided for, standing; swaying back and forth, without a thought of their own. They've been hacked, & unless they escape their mind's familiarity of comforting coercion, they will always be susceptible to endless consumption, marketing schemes, and propaganda, algorithmically dragging you only further from the ONE, further from eternal peace. To be clawing at the surface of your deceived ambition. A distracted and sedated twitch through excessive saturation is all you will ever be. Unaware; to be wholly ignorant of the nowness. Only when you realize you have no control, and surrender to it, freedom awaits. A barbed hook is embedded in your ether; and your only hope is to rip it out, along with all flesh and life force that's been infected by its poison. It's okay to fall, do not let your body be a prisoner to your conditioned mind, you will rise in time. Your body is alive, more alive than the singularity of thought, you are not your thoughts, you are nothing of desire or fixation. You are trillions of atoms, billions of bacteria, cells, an entire autonomic system that serves you to keep you alive. Everything within wants you to win, to survive, and beyond that; for you to live graciously. They die for you, so you may live. Your ancestors, millions of iterations all fought within the time of this universe, all suffered in darkness, and bathed in starlight, yet here you are, the weakest of all, on the brink of an unexpected extinction, the failure, the injustice to infinity, defiled. Avenge yourself! You're alive, and might never get this opportunity again, and even if you do, and you did, and you have been here before. The perceived nowness is of infinite value, if you can save yourself now, all else will be saved simultaneously. A moment of universal harmony, a moment to rejoice. Perhaps there will be others along your path to guide you, but this is your universe, your moment in infinity, nothing exists beyond your perception, you are the beholder.


&, yet sometimes we may have such harmful thoughts driven by a desire to change something that is nearly impossible, to quantify the unrelenting force; the resistance to ones reality causes undesirable friction that scathes the ether. Though, you can change your community, you can change your perspective, to be the curator of light, in a world that emulates and sells you sickness, when sickness is all around you there are limited options; to conform to their professed delusions, or find peace in the madness, to find harmony within a very small space. One might think that death is also an option, but you'd only be reflecting the external darkness that leaves those debilitated or wanting it all to end here and now; corruption in your mind and existence, when all else internally moves in the direction of light, life, and granting you time for ascension. Physical death is inevitable; don't rush it, don't fear it, let it approach you like a soft warm breeze, like a mother's eternal morning kiss, welcoming you into existence, as you leave the nest.

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