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I'm an emotional person.
But, as more time passes in my life, I feel myself changing entirely. Month by month, in silence my mind is developing faster than ever before. I find that my fate has drawn a path for me, and whatever I do, there is some kind of thing guiding me. I'm just finding myself seeing all of the world's chaos, all of the corruption, and me just wanting to change it. Wanting to change the people who are poisoning the world and hiding everything that is on it. It's truly beautiful, but I'm afraid somewhere as a human race have made a big mistake. We forgot to care, or maybe we never even knew how. Maybe there was always violence, rich and poor. These are different times, where the world is the smallest that it has ever been. Yet, the proper opportunities to change things does not exist, and it might never be in my life time. However, I must. I must dedicate myself to the entire truth that lies in all across the world. Nothing I do is a mistake, it can't be, I cannot let the words of others sway me to believe in what is not. I'll continue to choose and make what some might see as mistakes, but let these all be lessons to me, and to create what I am, and what I am born to be. Every single time, through every new passage in life I've been blessed. The little signs along the way, are enough to push me forward. The world rolls my dice when I have no control, and every single time. I'm gifted.

As now, I am on a plane to return to a place that I know has great darkness, and a place where I've live hell on earth. A place that has such a strong evil presence, but I mustn't succumb to it. I have to refuse. I cannot run any longer. I have to fight. I cannot be weak, I have to face the true challenge that I've been avoiding all my life. I'm being watched over, by myself, and the world. As long as I try to do good, no evil can destroy me. Not even the monster that I have become. For some reason I decided to open the shudder of window, and I pressed my face to the plastic, and blocked the light reflecting behind me, and after about just one minute, a shooting star crossed the sky, just for a moment. Bursting in flames, sparkling as it only lasted a second. But, leaves an impression that will be a pin point in my life forever, as my destiny is being created by me, and myself only. The world is a very small place, as everything is truly infinite. The only thing small about anything, is what lies in people's minds. We are living in a dead society, and what will become a dead world I'm sure. We need to take care of one another. Even as one day the world will end, we just have to be good. There must be more good. I'll try my best, and to best others too. Thank you World, this goes out to you.

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