Sweet Dreams

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Allow me to tell you a story, about a dream that I had. It'll be quite elaborate, and all the same, it felt so real, realer than my standard existence. It was something that my new neighbour and I had planned, and was brewing for a couple of weeks. Finally, we decided, to head out on an adventure. It was a short drive away, to Stoney Hill Park, a place that was suggested by a gardener, who protects the forests, and who I'm rather hypnotized by. My love for nature and plants, and her knowledge in it all, found unity in our conversations, and the moments I'd work with her. Her appearance was ageless, her words held no time, but her passion was strong, strong enough for her to fight for it. To find out that she has an additional 15 years on me, didn't lessen the awe I had while listening to her, it only made me admire her more. With openness, and appreciation for my yearning curiosity to learn of the natural world, she introduced me to the world of gardening. Today was her last day, she found a new job, one with perhaps more bounty, and a new teacher for herself. I eagerly pressed on, to know more, and on her last day, I received the email address of her new boss, so I may expand my plant people connections, and to do some more volunteering on my days off, of my main volunteering. I, hungry to learn, even if all I gain is knowledge, experience, I'll gladly die a poor man.

Carrying on with the dream.
We arrived, my neighbour and I. Let's call him, Sparrow. He's a young farm hand, that tends to the animals and other farm essentials. A rather earthy fellow, also passionate about nature. He wears coveralls and his dark sun hat like no other, he's exactly what you'd expect for one who's down to earth and works on a farm, and it's beautiful, like a painting, or a character from a classic John Steinbeck book. Shortly after arrival, our hike began, we wandered, and drifted from the suggested path, taken away by the mossy formations, and large boulders standing upright that would crush anything if time so desired. We found ourselves circling this boulder, infatuated by it, all the life that surrounded on and nearby was moving, echoing with our vision, becoming crystal-like, as the damp glistening mosses called to our curious touch. These green plant like structures that seemed to sprout from the rocky surface, it was all so mesmerizing. Sparrow and I, both went through something, something beyond the reach of the standard consciousness. We were hypnotized, and both very much taken, by nature. We weren't held hostage, but down a path of no escape. A sacrifice of breath, to Mother Nature. Whatever she had in store for us, we were to face, regardless of strength, wisdom, or courage. We were both in for it. The shimmering water that rushed below our feet, heading down, from our propelled up. We were heading up the backside of a cliff face. We actually had no real clue, of where we were going. Maybe him, more than I, as I am a bit of a caboose when it comes to social settings. At the back of the class, diagonally behind on any walk. Always surveying, unless I had to take lead due to time's constraint, or there truly needing a leader.


I'm hesitating on writing what comes next, though incredibly beautiful, shortly after, clouds arrive, shattering the sunshine that heated the rocks below my mindful rest. The most beautiful view one could imagine, just like any, "most beautiful view". The light reflecting all colours, the birds above scouting the area, the Ocean's shimmer, the ships docked at sea, the mountainous valley of coniferous forests. All in harmony, to grant one's eyes and mind, a display of momentary perfection. As if we captured an image of fantasy, the gate to
the beginning of the universe.
or, the end of humanity,
or the realization,
the guarantee,
that all of us are in HELL.

The corruption of contrast quickly invaded all feeling, all thoughts, the overwhelming forecast of overcasted sky devoured my body, my livelihood, my motivations, my curated purpose that changes everyday shatters before me, my glass body, is now dust in the wind. If only the end were that beautiful. If only, humanity wasn't the decimation of all life on Earth. If only, the people in power cared for the masses, and not of gold, and materialism that holds no real value. Nothing compares to the value of each and every individual life. Greed has taken everything from us, to imagine that we took so much, that there won't even be a future for us as humanity. I was waiting for the sun to burn Earth to a crisp, for the galaxy to be consumed by a black hole, for the universe to infinitely expand that it loses it's gravitational grip on galaxies, solar systems, stars, planets, moons, asteroids, meteorites, all life ends. A single cell that served its purpose, to single celled creatures, to a bug we wish to squish from its innocence, a rodent we'd rather call a pest, a forgotten pet that still loves it's owners, trees of a thousand years old crying through mycelium as they are butchered for their flesh, a whale's call that can bust eardrums, but if heard from a distance presents a symphony of emotional distress, a planet that is under constant war, and a human with enough power to shape the universe but would rather blindly destroy time itself. All life, will suffer an early death, because of man. Not only you and me, but trillions of organisms. The future that holds infinity.

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