Mind Wanderer

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Confused and lost in what they think is their own progression. All the crows causing a fuss, but that of what? Blind selfishness. The wolves shake the dirt beneath your feet, looking for an easy prey, manipulation of your sweet tooth temptations. Rotting. Waste your life as it passes you by, thinking you're doing good, high until you die. The wolves continue to shake the ground. Corruption, not in you, but all around you. Those that have destroyed people's pasts are the leaders of today. Power. We need a revolution. Stepping all over you, they don't care. Do you care? You don't seem to mind. Hearts so warm, but still shivering, once scared of power but finally fighting, but fighting what? For what purpose? How can we defeat Gods with our words when they have been controlling our lives since we were born. Forever. Million dollar possessions, when our brothers and sisters are starving. Their own. Saying that it's not their fault or responsibility to give a helping hand. Those who've hoped for a better life so beautifully, silenced by you due to your spiteful words of thought righteousness. We forget too easily, getting caught up in our own daily routine. We've become machines of society. As the Gods push our buttons, herding us to a feast that's not ours to eat. Lying to those who already saw the whole event take place. Why do we do this? Why do we continue to waste? Our time on this earth is precious. To fight for yourself is selfish, but to fight for everyone, even those who'd call you their enemy. We can all wake up and be aware of a realer reality. It's never been about you, or me, or anybody, but everybody.

To cure our minds to what's right and we'll further our evolution. Our planet is dying. How can we be so blind to see this? We weren't born this way. During simpler times, it was rare to have idols amongst us, and now they are all around us. Thrown at our eyes, can't you see your very own demise? Your existence fading as you fantasize over a life not worth living. Take a moment, stop. Breathe. What are you doing? With all of these things that you thought you needed? For the Gods are the corporations with a following of mass consumers. Advertisements telling us what we need, and how to live, if we're just listen for a moment, our ad revenue will kick in. Saying they want to help, and it's free to use, little do you know there's a catch when they've consumed enough of your time. A digitized manipulation, a fixed sensation. More, more, more, and me, me, me. This mindset will not only be the death of you, but me to, mass murder as we all kill one another, keeping ourselves blind, avoiding the truth because we are not told to find the truth but that this is the truth. Get a real job, they say, when the old world is dying as today is a new age. Lacking motivation, bright coloured screens with our constant attention. So lonely. Aren't we all. Anxiety reaching an all time high of society, can't trust anybody, worried that you won't be somebody. Stop. Breathe. Take a minute. Think about your life and question yourself, am I, are you considerate? Seeing problems everywhere but yourself. Eventually you'll crack down and find out what your life has really been about. By the time that happens, you'll be left with little to no energy. Caffeine hooked already, keep those cups coming stead. Addicted. Sick, so sick of this. Eyes so surprised when I don't part take. They ask me why, and how do I stay awake. I tell them, "I never started in the first place."

Not realizing that you are where you are out of pure luck. Unlucky didn't choose to be born here, or there, or which mother was to bear. How? How can you sit on your golden throne so satisfied?

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