Memory Hoarder

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Strumming my veins slowly like a harp, my mind restless not knowing when things will end, and where my life will start, or when it will truly begin. Soon I hope, is what I tell myself. To keep myself far from the edge, I've had to trick myself from becoming out of control. Where my blank face is carrying the weight of death, and tears to fill many seas, this branch could snap from even the slightest of breezes. I must stand stern and not move a muscle in fear that I might fall, fall into the depths below, for I do not know how far down it goes. It could feel like an eternity waiting in death row. That is a place where I'd never wish to be. For I want a life full of love, and to live happily. Without blood on my hands or in my mind, I just want to be able to think freely without the pain, and to be kind without lingering vain...

I still haven't taken off my flannel as It still feels like I have your warm embrace, for ever breath I take I can smell every trace of you on me. For it's you and only you in the future I see, I'll hold you tight and you'll hold me, never letting go till the world splits in two, but by the time that happens my love will never let there be an end to you. For you created me, and the world created you. The writer and the painter, along at last. Yes, let's let our love live long and true.

My feet have gone cold, for I have forever become old. My time has come to a stop, as it has yet to begin. My soul laying here fearing only what's ahead, but time, time is what eventually makes us all feel as if we are dead. The sun never rose, where the moon never set, for my first breath I take will be my very last step.

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