China - Part 1

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China - Part 1

The 2nd of September.

Alright cunts! I'm about to write a big fat story for no one to read, but you, and myself. Just kidding, I don't read shit.
But, here it goes!

I'm going to bring it all the way back, to moments before I got onto the plane, that would take me out of Canada, and on my way to China!

Also, just some digression..

I'm going to speak completely freely, truthfully, and also be rude.. Because I feel like it! :)
It also sounds funny sometimes, mixing those naughty words in writing sometimes.



Moments before I boarded my plane, so many things happened!

Heartless and vengeful, because I am!

Also something wonderful as well, that could possibly be a message from god or whatever you believe. That what I'm doing, is the right thing to do. Regardless of what challenges I may face ahead, and to also just be true to myself and not be affected by the idiocy of others, or possibly problems that I might endure!

Anyway, lets not have me forget my train of thought!

First thing is first, saying goodbye to my grand parents.. You know all about those folks! Tears in their eyes, yet they have fucking killed my soul, and ripped me to pieces. :D I gave my grandfather some kind of hug before I left, and I was extremely hesitant to give my grandmother a hug, but it took me about 10 seconds of self convincing. Even though, at the end of the day, I didn't mean it whatsoever and it made my whole body cringe from someone who has told me to kill myself, and had insulted me many many times just because I have my mother's blood. A bunch of other things of course, ranging from multiple life threats, so I couldn't really give two fucks about giving her any sort of fake love that she desires, because I'm pretty empty for the most part! :)

However, lets carry on. There's no need to feel sorry about that. So, being the spontaneous crazy person that I am, I've decided upon this adventure because, why the heck not?!? I'm pretty good at English, and I seemed to have been a good snowboarding instructor, so I've come to the point of putting two of my, "talents" together!

Woah, just a little bit of insight.. >.>

The more of yourself, that you put into what your life is about, the more complete and possibly the further you'll go as a human being, due to using everything you possibly can to stand out from others.

Just something to think about folks, use all of your abilities to your advantage, or they really become a disadvantage.

Ffffffff, let me carry on.

I was waiting patiently, and right before I was about to board my flight.. BOOM! This Indian woman pulls me aside, and says, "ARE YOU KOL MELNYCHUK?" "YOU HAVE BEEN UPGRADED!" At this moment, I didn't know what to think, other than, "What the heck? What did I do?"

Anyway, right after this little moment happened.

I was instantly taken to my seat, by a lovely Asian woman named, "Jong Laye".

That's how it's pronounced anyway.

This woman made my flight an absolute wonder.

Yes, of course I'll tell you why!

She sat me down into my wonderful upgraded business class seat, where I really had my own little area of paradise. Where she tended to my every necessary need! Ranging from small conversation, showing me that there is actually two bathrooms on the plane, and not just one as I was standing outside like a fool before she guided me to the mysterious other one. She even opened the door for me. How kind. She also helped me order some wonderful business class food, and I even let her pick for me. What a wonderful selection she made! I asked her for the most traditional, and I got a bunch of real Chinese food. None of that fake shit that you get in North American Chinese food stores. No offence, but this food was the real deal, as I've never had any of it before, but it was all delicious. The flight carried on, she then shows me that my seat turns into a damn bed! 😱 Wowzers! I had a wicked 2-3 sleep! With her always keeping an eye on me.. Ugh, what a woman though. She definitely knows how to make a first impression. I know it's her job and all, but me being 2-3/280 white persons on the plane, and the only one in a higher class of seating. I got some special A+ treatment. I thank her times a million. I hope you enjoy your life, because I sure enjoyed my flight!

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