Illusion That Devours Your Success

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A day that cannot be explained, but the pleasant sunshine that kissed me through my clothes that were prepared for rain, on a cloudy day

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A day that cannot be explained, but the pleasant sunshine that kissed me through my clothes that were prepared for rain, on a cloudy day. For your moment of exfoliating sunshine that rids this world of darkness. To meet and to see humans that also felt your existence, maybe they don't know you, like I you; but, I know they feel you too. Don't let their foolishness put your ever exhausting efforts to satire. Keep burning, I know you're there, even when we can't see you. If only I were more conscious of your affection, I might feel you through the clouds. Even the clouds don't mean to disappoint, or come between us. They live a life that they did not even choose, just as everything that's created. None can be blamed, nothing chose to exist, but it does and we need to recognize that, in infinity. Even those clouds that TAKE UP ALL MY DAMN SUNSHINE, I must approach with calmness, for just like the creation of anything, the existence of itself, didn't choose. I bet those clouds, if they had consciousness, like you and I, maybe they'd move along. But, clouds are going to keep doing what clouds do, and that's BLOCK MY FUCKING SUNSHINE, along with protecting us from your wonderful harmful rays, purifying the entire world, and keep us warm by insulating heat within the atmosphere. Living in a world that demands balance, and does it's best to bring balance, should be more appreciated. No clouds = no anything, so why must I dislike cloudy days for weeks, when it's Mother Nature doing her best with all the water here. No no, I know why. It's that point of seasonal limbo, where sunshine means a warm day; kind of, and a cloudy day means a cold day. Warmth is at peak importance in my life. The cold kills, where as warmth and sunshine kills just a little differently, where it almost feels like love, and that makes all the difference. Don't get me wrong, I'm a very warm bodied human, where even a slight temperature drop is noticed, as humans, all we notice, is the difference of what something was. Without that was, we have no reflection of what is now. How annoying is that? One could be born into this shitty reality, and only know that it was lesser, only when they are out of it and can breathe. To have this luxury, to know the difference, is a gift. Many people go their entire lives without knowing the difference of anything. Perhaps they are all too familiar with sunshine's kiss, where they evaporate themselves, and become water in the clouds. Is that happiness? Are they rich? Without the complexity of knowing the difference, they can simply enjoy what they have, even if it is such a small thing, their tiny happy existence. It deserves peace and to be left alone. A scientific mind sees far beyond, so far beyond that the simplicity of happiness becomes far more complicated. When the world is your small isolated community that's considered a 3rd world country, that's even far beyond what one could ever endure with such luxury. Their happiness is the most beautiful thing, to ever exist. They carry the same happiness that you and I, had as children. It doesn't get diluted in the complex infinity, and the bullshit of a manipulative society. Simple lives dance in the sunshine, love in the rain, and worship the trees, the universe is more close to them, than to anyone with a complex mind. To be so complex one deserves a god for reason, when we laugh at the simplicity and pity the man in a tropical rainforest, with no luxury, but blissful ignorance that isn't disturbed by a rainy day. They are more in tune with nature, and the vibrations of the universe, tapped into the ecstasy of a beautiful insignificant life. When life gives them meaning, Vs. us giving meaning to life. That's when you lose everything. Just imagine a single celled organism, dancing it's life away, in vibrant life, dancing to its own music in the sun, as it does it's best to consume everything it possibly can to survive, it doesn't even know what it's doing, it just does, and to be that ignorant and insignificant is the most beautiful feeling I could possibly imagine. To have no thought, but to have this incredible sensation of being alive, and to move with such electricity that you, you make existence of decillions into reality. The power of empathy, has me imagining if I was a single celled organism, a week ago, it was me crying to Jupiter the Cockatoo. Empathy is perhaps the best gift of all, and I can only pity those who are trapped within themselves and their own ego, that is less valuable than a single celled organism that gave itself to the future of infinity. I can only pity those humans, given this gift, to not give it 100%. To be so lucky, that you have nothing trying to kill you, where you succumb to ego, and slowly kill yourself, to live this miserable life that you so easily gave into. The weakness of self, to dissolve into nothingness. A society that sells you an unattainable fantasy that you'll never have, unless fate decides you lucky. Where if you don't have that fantasy, you feel lesser. Here's an idea, what if the dream, was to have absolutely nothing  and to be happier than all those with seemingly everything. That's real power. To hold power, in possession leaves man empty. To hold power, in oneself, with nothing, is divine.

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