Silver Bullets

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Metal to my temple she said, "I could love someone like you." Eyes dazed in a fever, I stare closely, and she asks me, "Are you a believer?" I say, "Why yes I am. What's your plan?" As she takes her hands with what seem to be razor sharp talons, she grabs my shirt's collar around my neck and pulls me close, and whispers to me. "Pull the trigger, and let's do this slowly." Her watching the life pour out of me. Not surprised, as she plays this game frequently. I tag along, magnetically pulled towards her wave, her frequency, it's like she was made for me. Blood down my face, she says, "I'll take care of you too." Her burning kisses, staying hot for the next. I begin to second guess, but I'm already too deep, aren't I? Coughing up blood. Heart ache, becoming numb and reckless. Heart breaker.

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