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Train the mind, protect the body.
Train the mind, protect the body.
Train the mind, protect the body.
The body which can either be a prison of lost time, or a vessel of opportunity.

I am currently the front and facilitator of a poison shop; and it has struck my guilty conscious to be selling people sickness. I advocate in search of bodily and mental harmony, so it's a bit ironic. The least I could do in service is write, and address the sickness that is more prominent than ever before.


It leaves me uneasy to watch people pass-by as they are on their last grip of life at the age where opportunity is abundant. To have witnessed their death from excess consumption as the Wendigo's putrid claw beckons them astray, their feet drag in pairs of enabling company. The beady glowing eyes strategizing their next escape at the vast variety of flavours on how they need to calm their unconscious and desperate hunger; yet their stomach gargles full begging them to stop. Though, It's not always this obvious. They don't see themselves clearly, or at all. All they see is their delicious saturated treat that they deserve so self-righteously; perhaps they have no self-identity, their forgotten and unrecognizable superficial identities tied to their endlessly hungering ego. To feed the bottomless pit of momentary satisfaction. The problem is that when you blindly give in to such temptations, you always want more, and more, and more, until it's never enough; leaving one so full of garbage, and so completely empty of life. A body that's nearing its next bodily disharmony at a moment of excitement, and a mind that is screaming in burning darkness alone. Perhaps if they were conscious at the beginning stages of their sedation as children, innocently following the path of their sick parents who fell for the same traps, they would realize that this sickness is not the weather, the local flu, inherited, or something they only just ate. This is the ongoing chronic weakness that they found such great false pleasure in when nothing else brought them such authentic joys. To normalize sickness and forget what it is to feel in any possible amount of control, well-being, freedom of movement, and cost free health benefits. Garbage is not only monetarily expensive, but it's at the cost of your entire future's fortune, your friends, family, potential children; all will passively or directly suffer from what you'd think are your choices; but it's not your fault. It's the way of the capitalistic culture this world has welcomed so bountifully with all of these things we are told we need so desperately to better our lives. People exploiting others on their weaknesses and capitalizing not only from your money, but your further sedation, to slow your mind, to slow your body, and drain you of every single drop of ether your body can muster. To be addicted to consumption, and comforted by a familiar suffering. When to feel the relief of a sickness that your body struggles to conceal within, on the surface is the bloated, inflamed, patchy, fragile, red shelled bodily disharmony of a dying 'man, by their own misguided mind and body. The beautifully saturated thought of your next indulgence, at the next whole breath you've felt push out of your gullet, you feel better than before which is only a small difference of feeling awfully sick, to a little less, the euphoria you feel to know that your fix is a few lifeless steps outside your door to have your poison personally delivered, then feed into the pleasures of consumption again once more for a bellowing eternity.


This isn't just something physically loud, but metaphysical and deeply internal. The addiction to pain, why must we be so addicted to pain? Sedation being the worst pain of all, to suppress an emotion that is so consuming, we have to consume ourselves. Perhaps I am too emotionally involved or invested in others that are sick. I feel their sickness the same, and I become addicted to keeping their flame alive, or guided. But, WHY? Is it my obsession with time and doing my best to not waste a moment, or that I give too much power to the past which stops me from living in the present, as it's difficult for me to let go, or perhaps the past finds it difficult to let go of me. Mhm, now that's a freeing thought. Now it's not about me solving my pain that's connected to the past as if the past is inside of me, but to escape from it as if it's holding me and restricting me physically. I can breathe a little better knowing that. To worry less about what we invested in the past, and focus on our investments right now and what they do to us. The consuming ego doesn't exist now, as the ego is only a reflection of the past and future, but the moment we have now is stripped of the ego. The ego couldn't possibly survive without thinking about the past or future, even if it isn't a direct thought, it will passively reflect upon events of the past, and desired future. Why has the ego become so dark; why does it feel so far from instinct? Though most animals rely on instinct, true survival, none of them are actively hurting themselves. Though when they are met with an ego/instinct dilemma perhaps they will freeze and let death come in an instant, or struggle themselves to death as fear consumes their veins, but beyond the instance of life threatening events they take care of themselves as best as possible, or as best as they know how. Of course there are always errors, but we know better, don't we? Or, have we all been hacked? We've all been exploited, clothed so heavily with materialism that gives us the illusion of bodily security, or social security, where our brains have been engraved by their desires of us. To consume. To hold fear and desire above our heads somehow conceived as the same concept. This isn't something conspiratorial, I'm not talking about the little companies that sell garbage, or that every gas station store is unconsciously having a heavy negative impact on our physical and mental health, just as many places do. (and I'm not talking about the gas prices) It's more systematic, almost all we see that's created by 'man is there to be bought, to be consumed. Their objective being; how can companies profit as much as possible, with little risk or expense, to take everything from you, where you cannot breathe a moment of false satisfaction without them? Your money, your time, your ideas, it's all political, you've been indoctrinated your entire life, you just didn't notice it because they convinced you that it was in your favour, especially when giving into your weaknesses of addiction, sedation, and dopamine fixes. Perhaps now there are more radically shifting concepts that the social political systems are trying to push into our lives, where there is retaliation, but your frequent usage of alcohol, sedative/addictive drug use, unhealthy food choices, what you listen to, and what you consume in any way; none of those are a problem, right? Something that's so incredibly harmful and can create chronic illnesses for yourself and bring pain to those around you, but to resist so intensely against an idea you don't agree with that doesn't necessarily have a direct impact on you, which you can avoid. This isn't just within the realm of what one can ingest into their body. You're being sold an idea beyond just material consumption. You're given words like, moderation, diet, and dare I say body positivity. A lovely article that's been listed as a top read on the news or an ad sponsored broadcast, very often they have no idea what they are doing or selling to their viewers, or maybe they do and just don't care, or perhaps they do and take advantage of their influence to blindly cause harm with no repercussions. Though they may be perceived as idols or respected upon because of their "professional" clothes, popularity, well mannerisms, and literacy, they are most likely within the exact same traps as you are. That's what makes it so easy for them to advocate and recite garbage, whether it be radical ideologies, agitating ideas, fear inducing stories, or consumer goods. They all want more, just like you, so as exciting as, "everything in moderation" or, "new healthy diet", or "shame those who are against body positivity". The list of negative headlines disguised as informative/defending the people seems endless, and are not as simple as just information. There is direction in those ideals and words, and the news is free to watch for a reason, because you are the product, and the consumer, and you probably don't truly benefit, but you do gain an instilled fear, or anxiety, or become negatively conscious about something, to instil guilt, your a thought that you need to change, be, or buy something to improve your life. Let's talk about these 3 for just a moment, & I'm just sharing my ideas, maybe I haven't a clue about anything at all, and I'm the delusional one. Everything in moderation, the gateway phrase to enabling addiction, bad habits, unhealthy choices. To literally allow yourself to go against your better judgement, and buy, and consume someone else's garbage, simply to profit from you. You do not profit from this at all; that moment of dopamine from fulfilling an addiction to sedate a craving is not a positive, it's a compounding negative aspect not only in your body, but your brain as well. It's a phrase or idea that breaks down your security, your guard, and literally a phrase that tells you not to trust yourself or what your body tells you, even if you're at that point where you realize that your body doesn't like what you put into it, you'll be back for more. Many people just go to far and moderation looks like 10 bad habits a day in small amounts. The poor souls being held captive by their consumption. Which is seemingly everyone these days. Look at you with your little toxic moderations that passively harm your every day of your life that you've come to normalize and make a part of your mindless daily routine. We should probably stop that, once you're given the moment of awareness. Whatever it is, just get rid of it, even if you paid money for it, get rid of it. As no matter what you spent on it in a monetary sense, is far less valuable than your infinite extension of future and potential beneficial growth from making better decisions for yourself, as when you help yourself, you also help those around you, which acts as a butterfly effect into infinite time. Chuck moderation and say no to unhealthy (anything with excess anything, processed whatever), and yes to beneficial. Perhaps it isn't fun or exciting as your addictions, but finding sustainable behaviours that are beneficial are much more lovely than something that makes you sick. Eat an apple or something. I like those. Let's take a pause, for all those who will potentially respond to what I'm saying in a negative way. To perhaps say that I'm targeting a specific group of people. I'm literally targeting everyone. I'm very inclusive, don't worry. &, perhaps one would have to look beyond their own concepts or self righteousness to understand what I'm talking about. I know ideas of our own can be distracting, especially when it enables some kind of sadistic habits or disharmonies within yourself and outside of yourself. Perhaps it's wise to ask yourself why you believe what you believe in so passionately. Maybe it's derived from a emotional pain response, and if so, are you doing any good for yourself or society, OR just fulfilling a deeper egocentric desire that brings you some sort of false pleasure, illusion of peace within yourself, anxiety suppressing, or the worst possible fixation, PURPOSE? Often if it's something we are chasing to the point of it causing us pain, it's probably not worth it. Even when you have time investing in something, it becomes difficult to let go, but you must for the sake of your wellness and stability. There will always be another opportunity. All that you need in the metaphysical world to find sustenance, or peace, you've already got it inside of yourself. Anything you're reaching out for on the physical plane isn't going to enhance your inner state permanently. They are only momentary illusions from some kind of egotistic fulfillment. However, this doesn't mean that you can't find something or someone on the outside to bring you closer to your inside, but never directly. More of outside stepping stones to a higher self within. If you want something that lasts, you need to find it within yourself; that's where eternal solutions are found to your momentary problems, thus; peace. Most people wouldn't even be able to empathize with what I'm talking about, sure you can understand the words I'm saying, but without empathy, there isn't really any understanding at all, but these ideas can plant seeds which you can water, but don't let anyone do your gardening for you, they may be unknowingly poisoning your future harvest. Take risks, but only necessary risks; perhaps you do find the one, or the one is yourself, and you need to make a leap of faith, that's fine; but don't allow your entire environment and people around you to do your gardening for you, and be aware of bad seeds that others put in your mind, and to stop them immediately, you'll lose yourself if you don't, and even if you're at the point where you feel as if you're lost from misguidance or a harmful environment, it's not too late to start doing your own gardening, removing the bad seeds/plants that consume your mindfulness, you'll have the chance to rescue yourself entangled in suffocating invasive species.
Perhaps if you don't understand or can't empathize with what I'm saying entirely, It's like turning whole foods into processed foods. You lose all that's nutritious, just as you do without being able to empathize. We have so much processed garbage, without a clue of its pure state that actually has value. This doesn't mean that you're not smart, or I am, just as anything, things take practice, and we have to teach ourselves, especially in regards our understanding of how our mind and body functions, and beyond. Perhaps it's the most difficult thing in life, so if you think you've gotten it figured out, you probably are caught in an illusion, which is fine for many people, but don't stop your path to betterment. Its a never ending process, so if you feel that you're already at the end of your life and you're in your mid 20's, or 30's, I'd hope you don't accept death so easily, and find the energy you were born with.  It's not always something you can comprehend so quickly, even those who have more understanding will acknowledge that they still have so far to go, but even that initial door opening leads to an infinite amount of doors with far more than you can imagine and acquire outside of yourself. It's like throwing someone into deep water, without practicing swimming prior, they will probably drown from so many factors. Just as this life, the most dangerous thing of all, where everything that kills you is so abundant, where it seems that everything that nourishes you is more related to the needle in a haystack metaphor. There are little gems everywhere, treasures, secrets! But, there are also exact replicas of these little gems, treasures, and secrets, that are actually there to misguide you, intoxicate you, make you ill, sedated, passively kill you, manipulate you; and it's your responsibility to be able to decipher the difference between the real little gems, treasures, and secrets, between the false ones that are only there to take from you for eternity. I'm not joking when I say ETERNITY. These falsities are contagious and can be spread through all means possible, as they are designed to do so, because you are hackable, and predictable. Not only are they contagious, but they consume you, until you are a representation of false little gems, false treasures, and false secrets. You have a responsibility to not only those around you, but the potential infinite influence that you may strongly affect directly, passively, or to your kin. It seems that people take this life for granted, are blinded by false purpose, when something so much more powerful is within their grasp of understanding. NEW HEALTHY DIET, nah; just chuck that. Go ahead and do your own research, just eat whole foods. Nothing is new, there are no new ideas, everything has been thought of already, but perhaps you'll be the individual to make that thought into reality, and declare it as new, for the current remembering world. Maybe they just give it a new name, but ugh, words are so misleading. Probably the most misleading thing in human existence. Careful of words, they shape your universe. Anything that spoots words from it's mouth, best be making sure those words are not leading you away from enlightenment. Those words plant deep seeds that could be passively awoken at any moment, best be your own farmer and plant your own seeds, so at least you'll know where such despair or achievement came from rather than allowing someone else to have more dictation over your life than yourself. Be responsible, you'll learn to want to appreciate life and your own existence more and do better by yourself, to take care of yourself, your
environment, people around you, your perception of the universe, all things. You should decide. If you're avoidant of responsibility, perhaps you need to look at these insecurities/fears/hesitations as being bad seeds that were planted by others, so, be a good tender and rip out those weeds that have deep roots in your mind that are consuming all of your ether. There is limited space, keep it clean, nourished, and good things will grow. Ah, and the wonderful day and age of acceptance! Body positivity, here we are. Not only can you be any size or shape, but you an identify as anything you want! How cool to have a concept that allows you to give into your weaknesses and create an illusion of false strength and oneness that companies can use to capitalize, and profit from you by siding with your ideologies that you wear around your neck. Where you lose your sense of self and integrity because you're associating with an extension of yourself, rather than something much closer. Don't you feel so great that the world accepts you for you and all your endless fragility? A wonderful metaphor comes to mind, where does a spider stay in its web? Why? &, why doesn't the spider branch off and go somewhere else as it's main stationary position? A physical metaphor for your emotional world. Your strength lies in the deepest most centred version of yourself. You're a human, isn't that enough? Anything beyond that, is a distraction, and a position that you'll be exploited from. Best find the centre. If only you knew you that you are the centre of your own universe. Perhaps you'd worry less what's on the surface, and nourish what's within, as what's within, is a reflection outside in all directions. I'm not saying to conform or to give up your beliefs, but to question everything before you accept it as yours. Remember, there are lots and lots of false little gems, and in a world where everyone is wearing them, it's easy to get lost in the crowd. Don't go following never ending paths that lead you further from your treasure. Often it's the whispers of the world that are worth listening to, not that of which is being shouted in crowds. Why is there any reason to shout, aside from an emotional fear response that has cloaked those entirely.

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