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I could make you bleed from all of those lies that you plead.
You're nothing to me.
If you act or think like that, your ass is whack.
Trying to roll up on me like you're something more, nah you're just a damn whore.
Pardon my language, I couldn't believe you think you could have me back after what you did.
Holding yourself up, when you've got no pride, you're lost you've got nothing.
You're some other guy's girl, he can do the stuffing.
My time is precious, and you're not worth it.
I'm like a drug right? That cocaine, you can't get over it.
Keep sniffing, I'll never come back.
Your ass is in the dirt, and I'm already over that.

She was down, fed up with life, and the people in it. Even so young, yet she says she's already done. Now that's no way to live, she has her whole life and the world to give. Healthy and still living, killing it, ride until you die, right? That's cool and okay, but one day life will fight back, it could be today, breaking you, you having to pick up the pieces. No ones there to back you up, stuck, in this state of mind. Living day by day like it's you're last, that's fine I do it too. But, you've got some more living to do, something more real where it doesn't involve money or drugs, it's just trust and a connection. The reassurance and protection, you can feel it, I know you do. It's in the air and surrounding you.
So, now with someone at your side, you don't have to worry anymore, no fears, no tears, it's alright baby I'm here, and I'm seeing you crystal clear. A beauty to see, and a visionary to be.
Now with all the cards in your hand, what will you do?
The decision is up to you.

Aha, alright.. So it's the next day, the day before my birthday, with just yesterday still clear, I've got that memory. Let's not get me wrong, this shit is still preliminary. So, as the poem I wrote last night, that was right before I took a little flight. 3 hours to be exact, but damn some of this shit would give someone a heart attack. I had a shower and got all ready, knowing that this girl's actions could be deadly. I picked her up just being 20 minutes away, I thought to myself, "This girl is pretty cool." and right then our adventure took way. We talked and she told me stories, some of that shit made me want to feel sorry. But, I couldn't. I had to hold myself back, because this girl was only 15 and right then I knew that she's going to be some guy's dream. Talking, and she went on and on, getting lost for a little, to her putting on her favourite songs. With the windows down, and the music turned up high. Damn, is this real life, I feel like I just died. This can't be real, but only for a moment it was, for a good 3 hours, and a 3 good hours it was. Getting back and finding our way, we can't get lost, the world is ours today. Giving a tour of my home town, small as it is she still seemed interested. We pull over to the side with the windows down, she hops out and says, "Come on, let's go." Thinking to myself, "Who is this girl that I've come to know?" She starts calling this dog over that was just wondering around. Me still in the car watching, and soon after my feet hit the ground. Walking behind her wondering what's going on. We show up at someone's front door, as the dog was waiting to be let in. The door opens, as I was on the other side of the street and she was just there kneeling. A voice calls out, "What are you doing? Come on in we've got smokes, weed, and beer too!" Me wondering, "What the hell has this girl gotten me into.." She looks back at me, and we say, "Sure!" at the same time, as if for a moment our mind's were intertwined. We walk inside to this smoke filled room, like a group of older degenerates were partying on a Friday afternoon. Late at night feeling cool and that's alright, being served with the best hospitality, I take a water, as she takes a beer and a smoke too, someone asks, "Do you need a light?" She said, "Yes please." Right then I knew this was going to be one hell of a night. We were asked a bunch of questions both being complemented by the dozens. We stayed for just a moment that would last forever, a good 20 minutes passed and we said, "Thank you, and see you all later." As time was running out, and she had to be home by 12. We continued our adventure as our next stop would be quite the endeavour. I've been to this place once before, Camp 30. Damn this place was dirty, abandoned for many years now, but anyhow. We carried on walking, everything being shadowed by the bleak of night. Things seemed to move across the field even though we knew everything was going to be alright. Right? Playing it cool, both of us being courageous, and not to be fooled. Walking through a ghostly school where anything could happen. Exiting where we came in, heading to another building. This is when things got interesting. Seeing something moving ahead of us, we find some other people. They ask if we are security, and I say, "Ouuu, you're in trouble. Kidding!" This is right before we would be running on the double. Talking for a moment or two, when all of a sudden some kind of PA turned on, at this moment we knew we were screwed. "You are trespassing on private property, the police are on their way." We all looked at one another, just for a second. As we all starting running, knowing that the cops were coming. The next thing you know, a helicopter had it's spotlight on us. I turn around running backwards and give a little wave, letting them know it's really okay. We're not criminals or up to know good. We're just checking things out, as we know we should. We all headed out, hopping into some strangers car. Damn this guy drove fast, maybe even under the influence. But, just for this moment we had no feeling of insolence. We were taken to our car, it wasn't too far, but far enough. We were both grateful, and said, "Thank you."
At this moment our night was coming to an end, she told me to pull into Pizza Pizza and say hi to what might be her friends. We found a nice spot to let ourselves think for a moment, a moment we won't forget. As the events that have occurred tonight we quite peculiar. I took her to her house as it was just about 12. As she got out, she said, "I'll text you, and see you again soon." I said, "Alright, you have a good-night."

I'll make you feel appreciated, more than ever before, and not underestimated. You're not a damn whore or a hooker, forget those guys, they just wish they could score. But, why am I here? Not to score, so listen clear. I want to help you grow and be the free person you're meant to be. No obstacles or limitations for that mind to show your beauty simply. I'll give you my time and reassurance. No this isn't insurance, you don't have to pay me, this shit is free.
So take a step, and walk with me, let me help you create your own destiny.

I'm the king of poetry, so listen clear, and listen closely.

Just look at our society, the music and people we surround ourselves by, every person on each and every corner looking for that next high.
Let's take a moment to think about things, don't let it pass you by.

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