I'm back

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August 17th, 2018 - 7:30 AM

          Let's start another chapter, as I am now in China, once again. Days before my arrival, and even the day before my plane ride, which was only about 2 days ago at this point, maybe 3. The world became awfully slow, where time just slowed down. As after these moments of slow silence would be something more real, and there to stay. Leaving all those little possessions and my best friend, my cat. I cried, but I knew I had to do this to be able to take care of myself, or, for others to take care of myself at this point. As Chinese culture is very hospitable to their guests. None the less, I will one day be able to take care of myself. I'll know Chinese Medicine, and to speak the language that over 2 billion people speak. With those two things, and especially one day being able to speak the language, I think I would be able to find many opportunities, many more than most people and how they are living. So stuck in cages staring at the same four walls, where I've tried to hard to break free and find my own way, throwing myself at the world, trying to break free. At this point, and with myself imagining the possibilities of my life forward, I might have just done that. I took the risk to put my entire life in the hands of others who mostly don't even speak my language. Of course we now have super speedy voice translators, but still. The barrier is there. In many moments I know that my inviter, David, the doctor, the cook, he has so much he wants to teach, and so much he wants to ask, or say. Just something, as the words stubble on his lips. One day that barrier will be gone, and we will be able to speak freely. Yesterday, just from a little bit of our communication, he said that we are the same people, one being Chinese, and one being Canadian, but the same. As I believe we have similar philosophies. So, with all these risks in mind, basically trusting, "strangers". I've found myself very blessed on my first day. Meeting many of David's family as they appear to be all tight knit. Also, confused as to who is his direct family, and his girlfriend's family. As it appears to be all the same. Not negativity implemented, just what it appears to be. I was treated so well by everyone where again I am reminded on this privilege I have here in China, being a foreigner and a guest. Especially a guest of what feels like very generous people, as on the first day they had already spent a few hundred dollars on some bedding for me. They also bought me some top quality therapeutic pillow, which I am currently very pleased with. Again, with the beds here, and the standard beds are rock hard, however I've found myself on one of  those hybrid soft hard beds. Or maybe it's just the blanket I'm laying on, I'm unsure. But, I don't really have any complaints. I have a wonderful air conditioning in my room as well, where once I step out of my room the rest of the world is double the temperature. Also, it appears that I've been given my own condo or apartment, whatever you'd like to call it. It's pretty shabby, in it's somewhat authentic Chinese way, but it's large and quite nice. I can easily say that it's larger than most living quarters that people have as an apartment. So, I'm pleased with that. Even though I'm sure I'll just make my room my sanctuary, as it has the air conditioning, and it's not as funky smelling in here. It's just so humid here, that mould is bound to start appearing anywhere, so with me having my breezy air on, it will keep the room a fresh as can be. Yeah, so I'm all alone in this place, so that's pretty great as it'll keep me independent and I'll have my thought space, and the space I'm able to walk around half naked freely, and comfortably. I still have so much to say, so let me carry on! Little bits of time, here and there, so let's bring it back a bit to earlier yesterday morning when I arrived. Where I intended to be picked up from the airport at around 8:30 AM - 9:00 AM. That never happened as there appeared to be a miscommunication between David and I, but that was not a problem at all, as my more English speaking friend Leo, was there to guide and help me as I went on, as best as he could. He told me to first get on a fast train to get to Deyang. I found my way eventually, to a woman who said no to me, as I'm just assuming that all the tickets were sold out. I then went to the next plan, to take a bus, that took about an hour and thirty minutes. I explain these two things so simply, but I swear I had the entire force of China helping me out, where so much help was given to me in the span of 30 minutes. It was unreal, walking around this familiar, but not so familiar place. Let me count in my head real quick, how many people actually helped me out, where I would be going back and fourth, and pointed in all directions to the final destination of the bus. Where everything happened so perfectly but chaotically. Which at this point could be a very simple way of explaining China in one sentence. "Perfect, but chaotic." Pew pew pew. Ermmm, I would say over 8 people, maybe more. I'll just explain some of the very funny parts, where I actually had security guards help me. The ones that stand on guard with their large staff like batons. They are just seen as very serious in my opinion, and stern. Where as my lost self was even able to make them laugh and put a smile on their faces. First thing was first, after I found out I needed cash to buy the ticket, I had to search for an ATM, asking around, blah blah blah, I finally reentered the airport to find an ATM, all in Chinese. The only notable person nearby that is kind of their job to help was this young security officer, who would pat down people at the entrance of the airport. I then drop him a, "NIIIIII HAAAAAOOOOO." And he instantly knew what my issue was, dashing back and fourth from the ATM to his place of duty, eventually with myself getting money. All was good, and I then go ahead and give him a, "Xìe xìe" and he gives me a, "It's no problem" In Chinese, as he didn't speak English. Carrying on, I eventually found an English speaking man, who appeared to have fairly good English. Out of coincidence we crossed paths after me walking around blindly. He helped me out greatly, as he was my final help, getting me on the bus and all. First he gave me directions and told me where to go, and that there is a bus station, down this way, and to the right. However, there wasn't any actual station, it was just a bus, where there were dozens of busses. Seeing me lost, with me looking for some person to buy the ticket from and for me to then be told where to go. I noticed a familiar figure in the distance waving to me. IT WAS MY DUDE! Then telling me that he understands my confusion as you'd typically buy the ticket at a teller, and not during the actual bus ride. Anyway, he got me on the right bus, as he was heading to the same place that I was. How perfect is that? From all the time jumping around, walking in circles it seemed, to have walk into the same area at the perfect time, to end up getting the right directions to where I wanted to go. Also, during most of the time, I was pronouncing the name of the place I am now living in, wrongly. Where it's spelt, "Deyang" I would think it's pronounced, "Day-Yang" however, it's more pronounced like, "Duh-Yung" and kind of mumbled. Anyway, that was also my struggle, as no one knew where I was actually talking about, until I finally meshed my word, to theirs. I now know how to say it. During my bus ride the entire time I studied mandarin, just to refresh my ability, and to learn a lot of new words, surprisingly easily. That of which I used that day. The one word I mostly used was, "Snack" in Chinese. Out of all words, I'm realizing that I like this one very much, as I'm one who likes to snack. Alright, and now the last topic I want to discuss, is that Leo's sister, who I had met once before quite some time ago in Chengdu, was also here with David, and she will be for another couple of days. She's a super sweet, and amazing person. She also speaks fairly good English, which helped me translate myself around, and definitely made things 100% more easy. So, I'm super thankful for that, and it has been quite the treat so far.

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