
44 1 0

1:30 PM

1.17g of Cambodian Cubensis

Which soon became 5 - 6 more grams, if not the whole bag..

It's time to be my own hero..

I love you.

I'm going to write this, before I enter the darkness.

I still hold fear inside of me.

For I do not trust myself completely.

Maybe there always will be, fear.

But, today we will find a way, map that can guide ourselves, through everything.

But, we'll take any chance we can get to remove that fear, and to just fill it all with love.
Love in the darkness.
Whoever we may find on our journey, we will only bestow them with love.
Even our enemies.
Even the monsters.
Those that want to kill us.

The Giving Tree taught me well.
A good mother, Mother Earth.

My own blood has wished death upon ourselves.
Thrown me to the darkness.
Silenced our words.

It's like I was waiting for myself, in my mind..

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