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I feel as if we're the same person, yet we approach things differently. That's okay, because I want to get my point across simply. Hurting you is the last thing I would want to do, if not at all. But, here I am falling for you, and you know it's true. Here's the difference between me and other guys. They see you and they just want what they see, and that's how you present yourself. Not who you are, and who you truly want to be. You want to make a positive difference in other people's lives'. Make people happy and smile, like you make yourself feel alive. Meanwhile what's really going on, is that you're hurting, and feel like you have no control. Well, I say fuck that.
Step into my world, where I see this queen, as beautiful as can be. Her mind intertwined with the leaves of trees, as you're down to earth, and your feelings run deep. You're more than you could ever imagine, and you've only just begun. So settle down and stop pretending to have fun. Life is a gift, not a little game. Keep playing it like that, and you'll find yourself being played. Take yourself seriously, and your capability will reach past infinity.
You walk across a sea of life.
You're the Flower Girl.
The world could be yours.

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