Author's notes Pt 1

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Edit from about  few months later: Hello to anyone reading this! I have been very successful with this story as I have had so much fun writing this! This is me from the future to tell you that my earlier chapters are some of the worst, and while I can say it gets better, you might have to trudge through my terrible writing to get there.

I just also wanted to say thank you for starting to read my story! It has been so much fun writing this and I release chapters once or twice a day, so if you truly like my content, then I cannot wait for you guys to see the later chapters!

Now back to you, younger me!

Hello to anyone reading this, these sections will mainly be me sharing things with you guys like updates and pictures of characters. I'm not the greatest at having agency with my writing so I'll try my best to write my best when I have the chance, however with my midterms coming up fairly soon I cannot promise much as of now, but when I have the chance to write ill try my best to write chapters and parts.

Speaking of the story, I know that with these kinds of stories there are gonna have a lot of questions that you guys want to be answered. Right now I will answer the questions that I can as of right now

1. Is the character going to be op? I've thought a lot about this while coming up with this idea, So the answer will be no. Your character will be very strong but challenges both mental and physical will come into play a lot so while his strength will be there training and massive fights, learning will also be a big part of what makes this story a little more interesting for those who don't want an OP character( Fan of strong characters but not overpowered)

2. How big will the harem be? Another very important question. While I have a relative number in my head I'm not completely set on he final number on who or even how they will be added. Now I will say that some female champs will just not be in this for reasons that I don't want them to go against an element of their own story. That is not to say that you won't be friends with these characters, but for story purposes they will not have a more romantic relationship with the main character. Xayah will unfortunately not be a part of this as She will have already met Rakan at the start of your adventure. Annie will definitely not be part of your harem but she will have a decent role within the story but for harem nah. Zoe, Again Zoe will be a huge part of the story but for her I don't think she will be a part of the harem(Still thinking about this but will tell you when things change)

3. How long will each chapter/part be? Each chapter is going to be an aim for around 500-1500 words as some chapters will be comic relief while others need a lot more time and effort to make a lot better. These first few chapter are going to be a little shorter then usual as they carry more small details and more conversations rather than fights and descriptive details.

4. How much of the actual league story will be compared to this story. I love the league of legends universe and all the characters in it, so The characters will have pretty much the same backstory they had at the time of me writing this. However, since I'm adding a new character to the mix while also adding a cool new system of power(heavily related to demon slayer) The story is going to go in a very different direction as the lore would have for these characters. While I have a good understanding of this plz let me know in the comments what you think about the direction of the story.

With those Questions out of the way It is time that I go over the most important character of them all, you!

Your character will be heavily based off of Tengen Uzui from demon slayer:

Your character will be heavily based off of Tengen Uzui from demon slayer:

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 I've read all of Demon Slayer and he is my favorite character with one of the most interesting personalities and sets of abilities that I've seen in some time, so I really wanted to base the character design off of a more controlled version of him. While the personality will be different( to a certain extent) Your powers and abilities will be based off of his and other moves that I will come up with. Feel free to put some ideas in the comments.

If you have any more general feel free to ask me about them down below and I will try to get those answers for you. With all that being said Expect a chapter of this to be released today! Have a good day.

The Sound of Victory:  Part 1( Lol Harem Story)Where stories live. Discover now