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Sunlight hit Yeji's face. She groaned when she tried to move. She removed her blanket and saw her bruised body. Yeji is an Omega and she was unfortunate enough to be in a pack that hates Omegas.

Whenever her Alpha gets mad, he takes it out on her. She's the only Omega in their pack. She's the only one doing all the chores and cooking.

She got up and got dressed. She has to cook breakfast for the whole pack or else her Alpha will beat her again.

Once she finished cooking, the pack started entering the dining hall to eat. Yeji stood in the corner with her head down. She's not allowed to look at anyone in the eye who ranks higher than her.

Yeji suddenly felt her stomach ache. She was hungry. Last time she has eaten was probably 5 days ago. She's also not allowed to eat with the pack. She can only get scraps if there's any.

Everyone might wonder, doesn't Yeji have a family? She did but her Alpha killed them because he thought they were traitors. Ever since then, Yeji's been living in hell.

She's tried to escape before but they would always catch her and beat her up. Being a werewolf, they heal faster than humans but it doesn't mean it's not painful.

Yeji plans to escape again soon. She doesn't give up even if they beat her. In her mind, she gets beaten anyways whether or not she tries to escape.

"Hey mutt, Alpha wants to see you" a Beta informed Yeji.

"Yes Beta" Yeji nodded and made her way to her Alpha.

Yeji knocked on the Alpha's door.

"Enter!" She heard.

Yeji entered with her head down, "You called for me Alpha?"

"We will have a party tomorrow night. You need to make all the preparations, understood?"

"Yes Alpha. Is there anything else?"

"That's all. Now leave. Seeing you ruins my mood" he said full of hatred.

"Yes Alpha" Yeji bowed and left the room.

She held her chest and took a deep breath. She saw the party tomorrow as an opportunity to escape. Everyone will be too busy or drunk to notice she's gone.

Yeji is scared to know what the world is like outside her pack but she thought anywhere would be better than here.

It's been a couple of years since she's reached the right age. Her wolf is yearning for her mate. Surprisingly, her mate is not anyone in the pack. She was also grateful for it because everyone has treated her like shit. She doesn't know if she would be able to accept any of them as her mate.

Then the thought of rejection crossed her mind and this made her wolf howl. What if her mate rejects her? You only get one mate. The moon goddess doesn't normally give second chances with mates. Will she be alone forever?

'Why would you think of such hurtful things? Our mate will accept us' her wolf said.

'Because it's a logical possibility as an Omega. Unless our mate is another Omega, there is a 99% chance we will be rejected' Yeji said to her wolf but her wolf didn't respond.

'Yeji, bring me my lunch' her Alpha mindlink to her.

'Yes Alpha' Yeji answered.

Yeji brought his lunch and continued working on the rest of the chores. She also started prepping for the party tomorrow night. She's not invited because they said who would want to see someone like her.

Honestly, their words doesn't hurt Yeji anymore. She has come to terms that she is below everyone and no one would ever see her any differently.


It's the day of the party. Yeji is running on no sleep getting everything ready for tonight. She's also getting ready for her escape. She didn't bother packing anything since she has nothing that means anything to her. She thought it will be easier this way too.

A few hours later, guests had started to arrive. Alpha and the rest of the pack are busy entertaining the guest.

As the night goes on, the drunker they got. Yeji slowly made her way towards the back as careful as possible. Luckily, no one has spotted her. Either they were too busy or too drunk. Either way she was thankful.

Once she got some distance away from the pack house, she shifted into her wolf form and sprinted. She ran as fast as she could. She ran without knowing where to go. She just wanted to get away and finally escape. Little did she know that she entered another pack's territory.

While she was running, she noticed another wolf was following her. He looked angry and Yeji is feeling scared. Now that she has finally escaped, is she gonna die right away?

Yeji suddenly stopped because she saw two wolves in front of her. She was going to make a turn but she saw two more. She looked around and noticed that she was surrounded.

Yeji doesn't know how to fight. Even though she's been hurt a lot, she doesn't like hurting others. Even with the life she's been given, her heart was still pure.

The wolves were now moving closer to her. She was gonna try to run again but the moment she tried to make a move, one of the wolves body slammed her and she flew in the air and her body was stopped by a giant tree.

She cried on impact. She tried to move and stand up but she failed. Slowly, her eyes drifted close and was met with darkness.

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