The talk

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Ryujin is now heading to Yeji's room to talk. She still can't believe that her mate has to be a rogue.

'Rex, I'm giving you a heads up but we're gonna reject our mate. This isn't up for discussion' Ryujin said.

'Hell nah. You are not rejecting our mate! Did you not see her! She's so beautiful! We're so lucky that the moon goddess made her our mate. Don't screw it up!'

'You know a rogue killed my father, Rex.'

'Ryujin, not all rogue are the same. Not everyone that leaves their pack are violent. Sometimes they feel like leaving is their only choice and just wants a fresh start. Hear her out first please.' Rex begged.

'No' is the only Ryujin said.

Rex growled, 'Don't make me take control.'

'Fine fine.'

Ryujin is now standing in front of the door. She took a moment before she knocked on the door. No one answered so she slowly opened the door and peeked her head in.

She took in Yeji's scent that's all over the room and looked at her. "How can I stay away from you, now that I know how it feels to find your mate?" Ryujin whispered.

She moved closer to Yeji and sat on the bed. She placed her hand on the wolfcat's cheek taking in her beauty. Rex was right, she thought. She's beautiful.

The sudden touch woke up Yeji. Seeing Ryujin next to her made her panic, she tried move away but instead fell off the bed.

Ryujin stood up to help Yeji but the latter crawled under the bed before Ryujin could get to her.

Yeji was shaking under the bed begging Ryujin not to her. Rex was becoming restless. He doesn't understand why they're so scared. Since they are mates, the wolves can feel what the other is feeling.

Rex has informed Ryujin that all Yeji and Lucy can feel is fear.

'I don't think it's true. They might be lying so I would put my guard down' Ryujin told Rex.

'How are you an Alpha leader when you're such a dumbass? I can sense what Lucy is feeling. She didn't tell me she's scared. She's not part of our pack she can't communicate with me" Rex said annoyed because his human is dumb.

'You have to stop calling me a dumbass.'

'Well stop saying and doing dumbassery things then I will stop' Ryujin can sense Rex rolling his eyes.

'Now try to comfort her please. My Lucy is hurting' Rex continued.

Ryujin laid on her stomach to see Yeji crying under the bed. "Hey, why are you crying? Can you come out so we can talk?" She said as careful as she can.

Yeji didn't respond. Now that she knows the girl in front of her is the Alpha of this pack. She's afraid to die.

Ryujin was starting to lose patient but Rex keeps reminding her to calm down. "Can you please come out? I can't help you if you're not gonna talk to me" Ryujin tried to persuade her again.

"Please don't kill me" Yeji cried.

"If you don't want me to kill then you need to tell me why you were spotted in my territory" Ryujin still trying to use her calm voice.

"I-i ran away from my-my pi-pack" Yeji struggled to say.

"Okay, and why is that?" Ryujin feeling annoyed that she has to stay calm.

Yeji still under the bed, "They beat me. My Alpha killed my parents because he thought they betrayed him. I'm the only Omega in the pack so everyone just treated me like trash."

Ryujin had to control Rex. He wanted to take over and find her old pack and kill every single one of them. Ryujin still unsure about Yeji.

Her heart is not lying. Yeji is her mate but she's still a rogue and Ryujin is having a hard time overlooking that.

The Alpha was deep in thought when Yeji asked how is Ryujin an Alpha leader.

"I was the only heir of my family and many had challenged me to claim the title but they've never won a fight against me" Ryujin explained.

Yeji is now out from under the bed, "But your wolf. She won't be strong to go against male wolves. We're smaller than them and weaker."

Ryujin chuckled, "I don't know if I should take offense that my mate doesn't believe in me."

Yeji apologized right away and covered herself afraid to get hit.

"Hey I'm not going hit you. You can relax" Ryujin said in a soothing voice.

At that moment, Yeji became aware of Ryujin's voice. It sent a shocking feeling down her spine. Her mate's voice sounds so perfect. She tried to erase those thoughts afraid she might get her hopes up that Ryujin will accept her as a mate.

Ryujin had similar thoughts. She thought Yeji's voice sounded almost angelic. It captivates you. She's like a siren that lures you.

Ryujin started speaking again, "Why aren't you looking at my face?"

"My Alpha told me to never look at anyone higher than me in the face. I'm not worthy."

Hearing this made the young Alpha clench her teeth. She didn't realize she was making a fist until she heard her mate whimper.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you but you can look at me or anyone in this pack house in the face. You're technically my mate so that makes us equal. Everyone here is below you now" Ryujin said.

Yeji was saddened when Ryujin mentioned they were mates. She was reminded that she rejected her earlier in the cell.

Ryujin sensed the change in her mood and it hurt her heart. Rex was mentally killing Ryujin at the moment for doing an awful job of trying to be close to their mate.

Yeji nervously asked, "So what are you planning to do to me?"

Ryujin knows the latter is afraid of death. She can't kill her. How can she kill her mate?

"I don't know yet" Ryujin whispered with uncertainty.

"I just want to make sure. I think I know the answer but you are rejecting me as your mate?" Yeji hoping her mate would say no.

Ryujin slowly nodded.

Yeji collapsed and uncontrollable tears were pouring out of her eyes. She wished she never ran away from her pack. The physical pain from the beating was better than the pain she's feeling in her heart. She wished she never found her mate.

Ryujin can feel her heart break as well. She believes she's making the right choice though. She doesn't have time for a mate especially a mate that's a rogue wolf.

Ryujin left and ran to her room to cry. Rex is yelling at her for making things worse. Rex wants to come out but Ryujin won't let her. She knows he will go to Yeji to fix things but there's nothing to fix.

The Alpha and the Omega both cried their hearts out until they fell asleep.

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