The party

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Today is the day of Yuna's coming of age party. She woke up and smelled the scent donuts and kitchen fried rice.

An odd combination for breakfast, she thought. She made her way to the kitchen to see the Omegas cooking breakfast and food for the party later tonight.

She looked around but didn't see any donuts or kimchi fried rice. She's confused because now the smell is even stronger.

Her wolf, Hussey, is going crazy inside.

'What's wrong?' Yuna asked.

'Our mate is near.'

'What? Really? But I don't smell anything?'

Yuna looked around the kitchen when someone caught her attention. They looked into each other's eyes and both were surprised.

'Mate' both of their wolves claimed.

Yuna approached the latter, "I did not expect you to be my mate."

"I can't believe I found my mate" the voice uttered.

"You have an interesting scent. Donuts and kimchi fried rice" Yuna chuckled.

The other hid their face from embarrassment, "Your scent makes me hungry. Pizza and rosemary."

"I'm happy you're my mate Jisu" Yuna smiled at her.

"Umm am I interrupting something?" Chaeryeong asked walking into the kitchen.

"Yes! My moment with my mate!" Yuna exclaimed.

Chaeryeong was shocked then happy.

"Oh my god. Jisu! You finally found your mate!" The red head Beta clapped.

"Yes. She's kept me waiting long enough" Jisu joked.

"I do have matters to discuss with the two of you" Yuna suddenly became serious.

The other two looked at each other confused trying to think of anything they might have done or said.

"No one was planning to tell me that my sister was shot? Or that she was shot with a silver bullet?!"

"H–how did y–you find out?" Jisu stuttered.

"I'm not stupid. I saw Mark was locked up along with his goons so I asked the guards why they were there and he told me. Why did no one tell me?" Yuna asked still annoyed.

"Your sister told us not. She didn't want you to worry and she knew you would tell your mother" Chaeryeong answered avoiding eye contact.

Yuna scoffed, "Of course I would tell Mother. That's her eldest child. She deserves to know."

Yuna was about to say something else but Ryujin walked into the kitchen.

"Don't blame them, Yuna. They just followed my orders" Ryujin said.

"I will blame them and I will blame you! I could have lost you!" Yuna said about to cry, "We already lost our father. I can't lose you too."

Ryujin went to Yuna and hugged her, "You're not going to lose me. I won't back down that easily. I have to live for a long time to annoy you and spoil my future nieces and nephews. Also I've heard that Jisu is your mate?"

Yuna pushed Ryujin away, "How did you—" Yuna then turned to the red head girl, "Chaeryeong!"

"What? I was excited" she simply said.

"Okay, we should finish getting ready for the party. If this party is anything less than stellar, Mother would beat the crap out of us" Ryujin said half joking and half serious.

"Also, Yeji will stay in her room. She's still not feeling well and I don't think Mother should meet her yet until Yeji is more comfortable around us" she continued.

"Yes Alpha" the three said mockingly.


The pary is in motion. Yuna is drunk and so is Chaeryeong. Jisu is trying to take care of Yuna and while Ryujin is trying to monitor everything.

Ryujin decided not to drink tonight so she can check on Yeji throughout the party. She didn't want her mate to feel lonely. She hasn't made a lot of progress with their relationship. She thought once you find your mate, things would just come naturally but that's not the case.

Ryujin was about to go upstairs to check on Yeji when someone called her name. She turned around to see who it was.


"Is this how you greet the woman who gave birth to you?" Her mom greeted.

"I'm sorry. I was caught off guard" Ryujin walked to her mom and gave her a hug.

"Where were you going? The party is still going on" she asked her daughter.

"Ahh that. I was just going to check on something upstairs. I'll be right back. Enjoy the party" Ryujin quickly said then ran upstairs.

Ryujin knocked on Yeji's door before entering. She saw Yeji laying on the bed sleeping.

She sat in front of the sleeping girl, admiring her beauty.

"I'm sorry that our first meeting wasn't ideal. I'm sorry that I scared you. I'm sorry I rejected you. And I'm sorry I'm having a hard time to get you to trust me. But I won't give up" Ryujin whispered to her mate as she puts a strand of the sleeping girl's hair behind her ear.

The sudden contact woke Yeji up. When she saw Ryujin was close to her, she quickly backed away and covered herself with a pillow.

Ryujin sighed, "Yeji, I won't hurt you. Please let me hold you. I'm going crazy. My wolf is going crazy."

Yeji remained silent and just stared at Ryujin.

"How come you let Jisu hold you?" Ryujin asked trying not to show her pain.

"She's also an Omega. I'm sorry Ryujin. I want to hold you too. I want to feel you but I'm having a hard time. I've met other Alphas before and —" Yeji was disrupted by a knock on the door.

Ryujin looked at Yeji apologetically before answering the door and leaving the room.

"Alpha, Alpha Yeonjun has arrived and would like to discuss something with you" One the guard informed Ryujin.

Ryujin went downstairs back to the party. She saw that there's more people now and a lot of drunk werewolves.

"Ryujin, what took you so long upstairs?" Her mother stopped her, "Don't tell me you have a girl up there? Ryujin we have tal—"

Ryujin cut off her mom, "Mother! I'm not like that anymore. Once I became Alpha, I have no time to sleep with girls. Now if you excuse me, I have business to tend to."

Ryujin left her mom and made her way to Alpha Yeonjun.

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