The friendship

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They were able to stabilize Ryujin. She was still in her wolf form though. Yeji visited her and talked to her even though she probably can't hear it.

Chaeryeong and Jisu constantly check on Yeji. They would hang out with her and keep her company. Jisu does more than Chaeryeong since the latter is busy filling in for Ryujin.

Being second in command, she takes on the Alpha's duties until she wakes up.

Yeji and Jisu are in the kitchen together cooking. Yeji offered to help since she knows how hard it is to cook a meal for a pack of werewolves.

"Do they not treat you badly for being an Omega Jisu?" Yeji asked out of the blue.

"Not really but I'm also close with the Alpha. If they mess with me, they mess with her. Even so, they wouldn't treat me badly for being an Omega. All Omegas in this pack are treated with respect" Jisu paused to think whether she should ask a personal question or not, "Was it that bad? At your old pack? I know you were hurt a lot for being an Omega. I can't even imagine what you went through."

"I was the only Omega at my old pack. They never treated me as one of them. I have nightmares. Really bad ones. I'm scared if they decide to look for me and kill me for running away. Then there's this whole Luna thing. How can I be Luna when I'm so weak?" Yeji softly said.

"Don't discredit yourself. You just don't know your potential. You've always been put down. You never got a chance to rise. Now you can. No one is stopping you. I'm sure you will become an amazing Luna. The moon goddess has plans for us. They wouldn't put you in a situation you can't handle." Jisu gave words of encouragement.

"How about Ryujin? Can you tell me some stuff about her?" Yeji asked.

"She's your typical Alpha. Dominant, strong, powerful. She was still training to be an Alpha when her dad was killed so she still has a lot to learn but I think she's doing well. Every fight she wins, the more the pack respects her. I mean who wouldn't? Every month she puts her life on the line just to keep her Alpha title."

"I really didn't think my mate would be an Alpha but I'm so glad my mate is a woman though even though her wolf is a male" Yeji chuckled.

"That's good news though. You and her can produce a heir that has both of your blood."

"To tell you the truth I've always wanted to be a mother. Being able to carry my own pup but I thought it would be impossible since I don't want to be with a man. Now knowing that Ryujin can impregnate me and I'll be able to carry and give birth to our pups makes me happy" Yeji said smiling.

Jisu gave her a sweet smile, "Just a warning though, Ryujin does have anger issues."

"Does that mean she can hurt me if she's mad enough?" Yeji is now feeling scared.

"No. Don't worry about that. I mean she can kill others but she won't hurt people she loves unless you betray her."

Chaeryeong walked into the kitchen looking tired, "I don't know how Alpha does it but her job is exhausting. Taking care of the pack, training warriors, paperwork, meeting with other pack Alphas. Wow. I need a drink."

Yeji stood up and bowed to Chaeryeong still not looking at her face.

"Please don't bow to me boss. Alpha Ryujin might kill me if she was here. You're our future Luna. You're above us regardless of your rank title" Chaeryeong said.

"I would rather wait for Alpha Ryujin's orders. I don't want to take chances. Until Ryujin has fully accepted me as her mate, I am still an Omega and you're a Beta so you rank higher than me" Yeji said still bowing.

"Okay but please raise your head. Stop bowing. And can you look at me? Its just the three of us here. We're friends now right?"

Friends. Something Yeji had never experienced. Her parents told her she's not allowed to have friends. They never sent her to school and homeschooled her instead.

"F-friends?" Yeji stuttered.

"Yeah, friends so please you can be comfortable with me" the red head Beta said.

"I've never had friends before. I wasn't allowed" Yeji whispered.

"Well now you have two friends. Chaeryeong and myself" Jisu happily said.

"Thank you" Yeji cried feeling grateful for her newly found friends.

"I'm sure Yuna would love to be your friend too when she arrives" Chaeryeong added.

"Yuna? Who's that?" Yeji asked.

"Alpha's sister. She's a hoot. You'll love her" Jisu informed Yeji.

"We should probably set the table and finish cooking" Jisu suddenly said, "We've been chatting for so long. I'm sure the pack is hungry."

"I should probably go too. Do Alpha's duties again" Chaeryeong waved then left the kitchen.

The two girls finished cooking and set the table up. Jisu announced to the pack members that food is ready through mindlink and little by little the dining hall was filling up.

Yeji found a corner to stand in and put her head down like she would do at her old pack house.

Someone stopped in front of her and Yeji didn't say anything or looked to see who it was. She was taught to not talk unless being spoken to along with never look at anyone that has a higher rank.

"What's your name?" A man's voice was heard.


"Okay, Yeji. What are you doing standing there? Aren't you going to eat?"

"I will wait until everyone is finished and if there's any leftovers, I will eat that."

"What? Why? Just eat now. Why wait later?" The man was clearly taken aback by Yeji's response.

"That's how I was taught. I can't eat with the pack and only allowed to eat scraps."

"Soobin, go eat. I'll take care of her. And don't even think about any funny business. Yeji is Alpha's mate" Jisu interrupted.

Soobin nodded and left.

"Yeji come one. Let's eat. You've eaten the food I've given you before. You don't have to eat scraps" Jisu said to Yeji but the latter is not budging.

"I must have been really hungry and not thinking straight."

Jisu grabbed Yeji's arm and was about to pull her when Yeji collapsed onto the ground. She curled into a fetal position and started crying. Jisu realizing what she just did, squatted down in front of Yeji.

"Oh my god. I'm so sorry. I completely forgot. I'm so sorry." Jisu apologized profusely.

Yeji calmed once she became aware of her surroundings. She stood up with Jisu still apologizing next to her.

"It's okay. You didn't know" Yeji said.

"I should have known better though knowing your history. Can you please eat with us then?" Jisu begged.

"Okay" Yeji gave a smile.

The two were eating until Jisu received a messaged from Chaeryeong.

Jisu turned to Yeji with widened eyes, "Ryujin is awake."

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