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"Is it you?" The mother asked.

"Mother, what are you talking about? Do you know her?" Ryujin asked confused.

Mrs. Shin ignored her daughter, "Yeji, how did you get here? We looked for you everywhere for a long time."

"Mother! How do you know Yeji?!" Ryujin yelled.

With all the commotion, Yeji felt overwhelmed and hid under the bed.

Ryujin went after her right away, "I'm sorry Yeji. I didn't mean to yell. I'm just so confused how my mom knows you. Please come back out."

Yeji slowly got out from under the bed. Ryujin helped and had her sit on the bed.

"Now Mother, can you please help us understand this?"

"Okay" Mrs. Shin paused, "Yeji. At least this Yeji... We have to take a DNA test first to make sure. Maybe we should do that first before I tell you the story. I mean it would be bad if this isn't the right Yeji and I just told you someone else's story."

"Mother! What the heck!? You can't just say you know Yeji then go back saying maybe not this Yeji. Let's take a test first!" Ryujin angrily said.

"You're right. I shouldn't have done that but we do need to take a test. I have to call the Hwang's first."

Yeji's eyes widened, "Wait, I'm gonna meet my possible parents?"

"You don't have to. We just need samples from you then if you are their daughter then  you can meet them only if you want" Ryujin said.

Yeji nodded. She doesn't know what to think of all this. What does this all mean for her?

Ryujin noticed Yeji thinking hard so she held her hand. The latter then looked at the Alpha.

"You don't have to do anything you don't want to. If you want to forget all of this happened. We can do that" Ryujin gave her a small smile.

Yeji shook her head, "No. I want to know for sure. I don't want to keep wondering."

"Okay. We will bring the doctor here to swab your cheeks and we will go from there."

"Mother, please contact the Hwang's and have them come here as soon as possible."

"They'll be at the pack hospital in 30 minutes" Mrs. Shin informed everyone.

'Doctor Kim, come to the room next to mine and bring a DNA kit' Ryujin mindlinked to the pack doctor.

'Yes Alpha. I'll be right there.'

Ryujin went back to Yeji and held her hand, "Everything's gonna be okay. No matter what happens, I'm not leaving your side. You're not in this alone."

"I'll be right here too" Jisu joined.

A few minutes later, the doctor has arrived with Chaeryeong.

"What's going on here? Alpha, we've been looking for you at the training grounds but you had your mindlink shut down" Chaeryeong said failing to read the energy of the room.

"We've been kind of busy dealing with more important matters at the moment" Jisu answered for Ryujin.

The doctor finished collecting samples from Yeji and informed them that they'll get the results in two days.

Two long days, Ryujin thought.

After some time, Jisu went back to doing her work, Chaeryeong went back to the training grounds and Ryujin's mother went to check on the Hwangs.

The mates were left alone cuddling. Ryujin didn't want to leave Yeji because she might be feeling overwhelmed with the whole situation.

Surprisingly, Yeji wasn't doing as bad as expected. Being in Ryujin's arms has definitely helped.

Hours has passed and Ryujin fell asleep. Yeji was still awake.

'Lucy, I'm so confused. We're we a part of this pack? If I am the Yeji they're looking for. If so, how did we end up in another pack? And who were those people that raised us?' Yeji asked her wolf.

'What was the first thing you remembered as a child? I'm not much help since we don't show our presence until your human body reaches puberty.'

'I woke up in a bedroom. I remember my body was hurting. I was wearing a bracelet with my name on it and two people came in saying they're my parents.'

'If we are from this pack, then that kind of explains why Rex and I feel familiarity. How were able to sense each other.'

'That doesn't make sense. You said you weren't around until I was going through puberty. We weren't in this pack when I was going through my puberty.'

'We have always been there the moment you were born. We just don't show ourselves until you go through puberty because your childlike body won't be able to handle transformations.'

'Get some sleep, Yeji' Lucy added.


It's been two days and everyone is waiting in the pack hospital to find out the result.

The doctor has arrived and there's an eerie tension in the air. Yeji is nervous and scared. The Hwang's are not with them because Ryujin asked them to wait somewhere else since Yeji might not be ready to meet them.

The doctor entered the room and faced everyone, "The results showed that Yeji and the Hwangs are in fact related."

Mrs. Shin cried as Yuna hugged her. Yeji was staring into space. The life she has known wasn't completely true. The people that raised her weren't her biological parents. How did she end up with them she thought. Why did she have to suffer in that pack if she was originally from this pack.

Meanwhile, Ryujin was just staring at Yeji. Waiting for her to do something or say something. She can't even imagine what her mate is feeling.

Yeji stood up and left the room. She just kept walking and not really knowing where to go. She just felt like walking.

Ryujin followed her but stayed back a bit. She figured she should give Yeji some space but she couldn't just leave her alone so she just kept her distance but still watched her.

'This is crazy, right?' Rex said.

'Yea. I really wanna know how she ended up in another pack.'

'It angers me to know there was a chance she didn't have to go through that hell if she stayed here' Rex growled.

'I know. One way or another, we will avenge our mate' Ryujin also growled.

Yeji walked all over the place. She stopped and walked to Ryujin.

"Take me to your mother, please. I want to hear the story of what happened" Yeji asked.


I really struggled writing this chapter. Since I had no idea how to relate Ryujin's mom with Yeji. Again this whole book was published on a whim. So I make up the story line as I go. I enjoy writing it so I don't really want to delete it. I'm sorry if it's not what you expected or if you expected a more dramatic reason why she knew Yeji. But thank you for reading, voting, and commenting. I hope you enjoy it. Thank you again! ❤

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