The dinner

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Ryujin hovered on top of Yeji again. She placed her hand on Yeji's neck and ran her thumb on the mark she created.

The touch sent another shiver down Yeji's spine.

"It's beautiful" Ryujin whispered.

"Now everyone can see that you're taken" Ryujin proudly said.

'About damn time you marked her' Rex exclaimed to Ryujin.

'I can finally talk to my mate! Thank you Yeji!' Lucy thanked Yeji.

"Is your wolf happy?" Yeji asked Ryujin.

"I guess you could say that" Ryujin chuckled.


Meanwhile with Lucy and Rex...

'My sexy Rexy, can you hear me?' Lucy asked.

'Of course my darling Lucy' Rex replied.

'I can't believe I'm finally talking to you. It took the two long enough' Lucy said.

'I know but I can't really hate Ryujin because I know what she was doing was the right thing to do for Yeji.'

'My mate is such a gentleman, oh how did I get so lucky?' Lucy flirted.

'What can I say? There's a reason why Ryujin calls me good boy Rex' he laughed.

'But on a serious matter, have you felt something different with yourself lately?' Rex asked.

'I guess. With Yeji's mental state and emotional state improving, I'm feeling more powerful? If that's the right word to use' Lucy answered.

'Why? Are you feeling different?' Lucy now asked.

'Yes. I can't pinpoint what it is but I feel strange when Ryujin and I get mad. It's like there's this turmoil that wants to come out from within' Rex said.

'Does it happen when Ryujin's eyes changes to red? When Yeji and I saw that, we didn't know what to do but oddly enough we weren't scared either.'

'That's when the strange feeling is the most noteliceable but it's pretty much there the whole time.'


"Did your wolf leave too?" Ryujin asked.

"Yep. I figured it would happen as soon as they can talk to each other" Yeji laughed.

"How do you feel though?"

"Shouldn't you be able to feel it?" Yeji teased.

"Yea but I still wanna ask you. Besides you can still block me from knowing how you feel" Ryujin said.

"I'm happy? I think. It's been so long since I felt happiness I'm not sure I remember how it feels."

"Good, also my mom and your parents wants us to have dinner together tonight. I forgot to mention it earlier. They wanted to celebrate your official Luna announcement, is that okay with you?" Ryujin asked her mate.

Yeji nodded and suddenly kissed Ryujin.

Ryujin was startled for a minute but kissed back right away.

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