The fight

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Ryujin opened the door to her office but was soon greeted by a fist on her cheek.

She chuckled, licked the blood on her lips and looked at the person who hit her.

She walked to her desk and sat in her chair, "What do you want Mark?"

Mark. He has always hated Ryujin even when they were kids. Him and his friends are the main reason why the pack didn't like the idea of her being the Alpha.

"Why the hell did you lock up Haechan you bitch!" Mark yelled.

"Why don't you calm down first then we will talk" Ryujin said trying to control her anger.

"I don't want to talk! I'm here to challenge you! You don't deserve to be an Alpha!"

'Ohh this is gonna be fun' Rex said in her head.

"If that's what you want but you know the rules. We fight to the death and you have to inform your friends that when I win, they have to respect me as their Alpha" Ryujin said.

"I know. I will end you tonight!" Mark angrily said.

"No. Our fight will be next month. I can only do one challenge a month."

"Well maybe you shouldn't be Alpha then. You're nothing but a coward like your father was" Mark trying to provoke Ryujin.

"Fine! I'll see you tonight!" Ryujin agreed. Mark smiled and left.

"Alpha, why would you agree? You're not fully healed from your last fight" Chaeryeong asked.

"Don't worry Ryeong, I got this."

'Jisu. Can you check on Yeji and stay with her tonight? Tell her I'm sorry I won't be able to see her. Don't tell her about the fight though' Ryujin mindlinked Jisu.

'Yes Alpha' Jisu replied.


Everyone is gathered in the arena for the fight. Some cheering for Mark. Some cheering for their Alpha.

The two fighters are facing each other from the opposite ends of the arena. They both shifted into their wolf form.

Mark's wolf, known as Tyke, is all white with patches of black. His stance showed confidence. His chest puffed out showing his muscular built. He shook his whole body before sitting to disrespect his opponent.

Rex is a black wolf. Not as big or as muscular as Tyke but anyone can feel the presence of his strong energy. His stance showed determination. He stood there waiting for Tyke to make the first move.

Tyke was bored. In his head, he has already won the fight. He is a warrior and the strongest among them.

After some time, he finally stood up and ran to his opponent. Rex did the same thing. They met in the middle as their bodies collide. Rex was flipped over on impact and Tyke used this as an opportunity to bite his neck.

Rex was able to dodge it and kick off Tyke with his hind legs. Both wolves are now back on their feet facing each other releasing growls.

'You've gotten pretty strong Ryu. Sadly I don't think it's still enough for you to come out alive tonight' Mark said through their mindlink.

'Fighting is not all about strength Mark. I'm disappointed to know my head warrior thinks that way' Ryujin said which angered the latter even more.

Tyke sprinted and slammed Rex onto the wall. Rex was on his hind legs pressed against the wall. He was able to scratch Tyke's face with is front paw. Tyke backed off and shook his head with blood running down.

Tyke released a loud growl and bit Rex's back leg which caused him to let out a cry and fall. He stood up again limping a bit and not putting a lot of pressure on his injured leg.

Rex flipped over Tyke and bit his neck causing the latter to howl. Tyke tried to escape but couldn't. Rex's hold on him was too strong.

Rex was about to finish him off when a sudden gunshot was heard. Rex fell off Tyke and is now laying on the ground bleeding.

'Rex, buddy were gonna be okay. Don't panic okay?' Ryujin said.

Tyke stood and hovered over Rex's body. They looked into each other's eyes. Tyke wanted to see fear but instead was met with calmness.

Rex was feeling the excruciating pain but he was not about to give Tyke what he wanted. He can feel burning running its course through his body. He started to feel himself become weak. He is fighting hard to stay awake. He can't die like this. He just found his mate.

Ryujin is in his head giving him words of encouragement. Making promises like how she will be nicer to him and such. In the back of her mind, she's panicking but she has to stay strong for Rex. She has a feeling that the bullet used was not a regular bullet.

Ryujin's loyal warriors pushed Tyke away from Rex and held him down. The other warriors grabbed the person who shot their Alpha.

Chaeryeong ran towards the Alpha and already put pressure on the wound.

"Alpha, hold on okay? Don't shift back into your human form. You might not survive" she said to the wolf.

'We don't have the energy to do it anyways.' Ryujin joked. 'But why is Rex feeling so weak? It's just a gunshot.' Ryujin asked trying to confirm if her thought was correct that it's silver.

"Alpha, they used a silver bullet. They planned on you dying tonight no matter what. When they saw you were about to win against Mark, they took it in their own hands and shot you."

Rex released a low growl and with his eyes slowly closing. He's close to losing consciousness.

'Jisu, tell Yeji I love her' Ryujin said before Rex closed his eyes.

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