The explanation

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Ryujin walked away from Yeonjun to see Yeji.

"What? You're already dressed? That's unfair. I wanted to see you naked" Ryujin pouted.

Yeji rolled her eyes and threw Ryujin her clothes, "Come on we have to check what's happening outside."

When they were outside, they saw the madness. Wolves covered in blood, injured, dead.

"Enough!" Ryujin roared while flashing her red eyes.

All the wolves immediately stopped and looked towards Ryujin, some are confused why they listened to her, "I see a lot of you are injured. Get cleaned up, go see the doctor and come back here. There's a lot of things to discuss. Before anyone does anything stupid, Yeonjun is dead so if you're still planning to follow his plan, think again" her eyes flashedred again.

Wolves scattered all over the place. Ryujin took Yeji to her room.

"Are you okay? Are you hurt anywhere?" Ryujin scanned Yeji's whole body.

"I'm fine. I should be asking you that. You took a beating" she then smacked Ryujin, "if you're the Ultima, then why did you bother fighting!? You could have ended everything quickly without you getting hurt!"

She kept hitting her mate, "And what the hell is an Ultima!?"

Ryujin lightly grabbed Yeji's arm to stop her from hitting and pulled it down to hug her, "I'm sorry Yeji. I just wanted him to feel the pain you felt. I saw you struggling again when I arrived and I just lost it."

Yeji relaxed her body, "I love you."

"I love you too. And to answer to other question. I'm your other half!"

Yeji flicked her forehead, "I already knew that! That's why we're mates!"

Ryujin rubbed her forehead, "You're so violent tonight. I meant as the Suprema, I, the Ultima is your mate too. That's why I have the red eyes too and why Rex disappeared, he was finally doing something in this partnership between us."

'I will hurt you' Rex said.

'You love me' Ryujin replied.

"What does mean?" Yeji asked.

"We're pretty much the Alpha and Luna of all the wolves. Not just our pack."

"I can just became the Luna of our pack. How am I gonna do being Luna of all wolves" Yeji panicked.

"Don't doubt yourself. You just kicked ass. If you doubt yourself, you'll let Yeonjun win. We can't let him win. He's dead. You will be an amazing Suprema. They will love you the way I love you. Okay?"

Yeji slowly nodded.

'Alpha, everyone is back and ready' Chaeryeong announced.

Yeji and Ryujin made their way outside again. They saw everyone is back to their human forms.

"For everyone that was under Yeonjun, I'm sure you know about the whole Suprema ordeal. Yeji, is your Suprema and I'm your Ultima" Ryujin said.

Everyone was shocked, including her own pack. Everyone was murmuring something. Mainly Yeonjun's pack are unhappy with the news.

"We don't believe you!" One of them said.

Ryujin flashed her eyes at him and he started whimpering. You could tell he was embarrassed for whimpering in front of so many people.

Everyone suddenly bowed that surprised Ryujin and Yeji. That was easier than they thought.

"Thank you Ultima and Suprema" They all said.

Ryujin looked around confused so she leaned forward a little bit, "For what?" She whispered.

The wolves laughed at her cuteness.

"We never wanted to start a war or fight. When Alpha Yeonjun took over our pack, he gave us no choice. We were no match against him since he was extremely strong compare to us. But what happens to us now? Alpha Yeonjun killed our Alpha, so we have no where to go and we don't want it to be rogues" another werewolf said.

"Don't worry about anything. You have a few options. You can either join my pack, join another pack you might know or you can choose a new Alpha for your pack. From now on there will be no killing of other wolves. If anyone is guilty of killing our own find, they will be killed as punisbment" she paused, "I know. Kinda ironic we kill a wolf to punish them for killing a wolf or would it be an eye for an eye situation. I would go with the second. Just no more killing. We—"

Yeji nudged Ryujin to get back on track because she started rambling on.

"Anyways, my point is. From now on we will live a peaceful life. We have enough problems with humans killing us, we don't need to kill each other. If any of you have a question, please feel free to come and talk to me or your Suprema" Ryujin said.

"If no one else has anything to ask or say, you're dismissed" Ryujin added.

Chaeryeong,  Jisu and Yuna approached them when the meeting was done.

"Are you all okay?" Yeji asked.

"Thank you Jisu for standing up for me with Yeonjun" She said to Jisu.

"It is my honor to defend our Suprema" Jisu smiled.

"I can't believe you're the Ultima" Chaeryeong said.

"Believe it because it's true. I mean I should have seen this coming. I am pretty cool" She smiled.

"Our kind is doomed" Yuna said.

Everyone but Ryujin laughed.

"I have a new title but I still get ganged up on" Ryujin pouted.

"No one thinks that's cute" Yuna said.

"I do" Yeji kissed Ryujin's pouting lips.

Ryujin smiled right away and did a small jump, "Take that. The Suprema likes my pout and that's all that matters!"

Ryujin ran back inside the house like a little kid while the rest watched her in amazement.

"How can one person act so tough then like a baby? And she's supposed to be the leader of all the wolves. I understand Yeji being one but Ryujin? I'm dumbfounded" Chaeryeong said.

"That's probably why the moon goddess chose her as the Ultima. She's not like any other Alpha that treats anyone below her like garbage. She truly takes care of us even the pack members that was against her being Alpha, she took care of them. I think our future is in safe hands. Besides there's Yeji to keep her head on straight" Jisu laughed at her last statement.

"Let's go clean up and take care of Yeonjun's body and the others" Chaeryeong said.

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