The shot

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A couple of months have passed and Yeji's stomach is getting bigger. Another couple of months and she should be ready to give birth to the pups.

All pack members are preparing for the arrival of the Ultima and Suprema's pups. They renovated the whole pack house to make it bigger since the pack is growing. Normally in a pack, everyone gets a say on how the pup is raised but since this is not your normal Alpha and Luna pup situation, they all agreed to leave the couple alone to do it.

Ryujin was out in the woods patrolling with the guards. They're checking all the borders to make sure everything is in tact. Even though they're not necessarily worried about rogues anymore since the Ultima has risen from nowhere, they still have to make sure there's no trespassers like humans, witches or runaway vampires.

Ryujin and the guards were just walking around. She stopped walking and her guards did the same.

Ryujin sniffed the air, "Do you guys smell that?"

The guards started sniffing the air to see if they can smell whatever Ryujin is talking about.

"I swear if this is just another trick of yours to make us smell your fart, I will kill you" Chaeryeong said to her Ultima.

"You can't smell it?" Ryujin asked.

She sniffed the air again, "It's an odd scent. I've never smelled anything like it."

'Rex can you smell it?' Ryujin asked.

'If you can smell it then I can smell dumbass' Rex answered.

'Good point hehe' Ryujin chuckles.

Chaeryeong saw Ryujin smiles, "Let me guess. You said something stupid and Rex called you out on it."

"Shut up" Ryujin said still trying to find where the smell is coming from.

Out of nowhere, they heard multiple gunshots from different directions.

The guards covered Ryujin right away but one bullet was able to pass through and hit the Ultima.

"Another fucking silver bullet" Ryujin gritted her teeth from the pain. Luckily, she was only shot on the arm but the pain was still bad. She felt the familiar burn and her anger rising.

"Chaeryeong, lead the guards and find the bastards that shot me!" She yelled.

"Ultima, we can't leave you. Someone just tried to kill you. We can't leave you unattended" Chaeryeong explained.

"I don't give a damn. Find them before they get away! Now!" Ryujin flashed her eyes and she had no choice but to follow orders.

She took the guards and searched the area.

'Ryu what happened? Why are you in pain?' Yeji asked.

Ryujin cursed herself for not blocking Yeji to feel her senses. The two actually agreed to leave each other's thoughts but kept the line open for their emotions and such.

'Nothing Yeddeong. Just a little mishap in the woods but we're good' I said as convincing as I can.

When Yeji didn't say anything else, she assumed that she believed the lie.

'Shin Ryujin! How dare you lie to me!?' Yeji suddenly said angry through their mindlink.

'What? How did you know I was lying?' Ryujin asked.

'Lucy told me what happened! Rex told her! Why would you lie to me!?'

'Don't lie to me ever again. If I catch you lying again, you won't be able to touch me!' Yeji threatened.

'Yes. No more lying. So I can continue touching' Ryujin quickly said.

'Are you at the pack hospital?' Yeji asked.

'No. I'm waiting for Chaeryeong and the guards to come back.'

'They left you! How could they leave you!?' Yeji angry again.

'Relax Yeddeong. I ordered them to. To find who shot me' Ryujin calmly explained.

'Don't tell a pregnant wolf to relax. I will end you' Yeji said.

'I love you Yeddeong' Ryujin's attempt to not get in trouble.

'Just be safe please' Yeji said.

Ryujin took a deep breath once she realized she was able to diffuse the bomb.

'What the hell Rex? Why did you tell Lucy about what happened?' Ryujin sounded annoyed.

'You may be able to lie to Yeji but I can't lie to my Lucy. I was good boy Rex before I became big boy Rex and as a good boy, I can't lie to my mate' Rex said.

'You're so annoying!'

'And you're so dumb! I guess we're both suffering' Rex laughed.

The guards and Chaeryeong finally came back.

"We saw no one in the area. We're sorry Ultima" One of the guards said.

Chaeryeong went to look at Ryujin's arm where she got shot.

"How are you okay right now? You just got shot with a silver bullet? You should be almost dying right now even if it's just on the arm?" Chaeryeong asked extremely confused.

"Maybe being Ultima has its other perks" Ryujin laughed.

"Still hurts like hell though" she said seriously afterwards.

"But let's go back to the pack house before Yeji kills me. Double the guards around the borders. We don't want another invasion" Ryujin ordered.

Chaeryeong and Ryujin headed back to the pack house.

Ryujin went to her office instead of going to the pack hospital. She took some alcohol and poured it on the wound then wrapped bandages around it. She sat down in her chair then called Chaeryeong to come.

After a few minutes, the door flung open. Ryujin didn't look up assuming it was Chaeryeong. She was clearly mistaken when she felt someone smack her forehead.

"What the hell are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be at the pack hospital?" Yeji said with her red eyes showing.

"I'm okay. Look" she pointed at her arm, "since being Ultima it doesn't affect me as bad. Nifty huh?" Ryujin smiled with her whisker dimples.

Yeji's red eyes disappeared, "Are you really okay?"

"How do you go from angry to calm in a split second?"

"Just accept it. Why point it out?" Yeji is now annoyed.

"3 emotions. Wow" Ryujin mumbles.

"I heard that" Earning another smack from Yeji.

"This is why my intelligence is going away. You keep hitting me on the head" Ryujin pouted while rubbing her forehead.

'Don't find excuses to explain your stupidity' Rex said.

Ryujin just sighed in defeat. She can't win.

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