The Mark

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Chaeryeong and Yuna entered Ryujin's office to bug her since their training is done. The Alpha was so focused on what she's doing that she didn't notice the two come in.

"What got you looking ugly, big sis?" Yuna asked.

"I'm looking for information about red eyes with werewolves."

'Rex, why did my eyes change colors like Yeji said?' Ryujin asked her wolf.

'I'm not sure. When you got angry, I felt something in me too but I don't know what.'

'Are we dying? Are we sick?' Ryujin asked.

'I think the better question is, are you dumb? You don't want me to call you a dumbass but you say dumb shit like that! Did you forget you're a werewolf? We have a healing factor' Rex said annoyed.

'Oh yeah hehe' Ryujin chuckled.

"You're so rude. You know were in here and then you go and talk to your wolf and ignore us" Chaeryeong said faking being hurt.

"I just needed to ask Rex something. Why are you two here? How'd training go?"

"They're good. Definitely improvement. You've done well with them. No wonder our pack has great warriors" Yuna proudly said.

"So how's the pack's approval rate with me?" Ryujin nervously asked.

"Honestly, it's going well. After what you've done with the warriors, the fight incident and there's a rumor going around that you have your mate, your approval rate has significantly increased" Chaeryeong stated.

"When are you going to introduce your mate?" Yuna curiously asked.

Ryujin sighed, "When she's ready. That actually slipped my mind. I've been so focus on other things. Like finding her old pack so I can kill their Alpha. You know the normal every day things."

"She still won't tell you the name of the pack?" The red head Beta asked.

"No. Which I kinda understand her reasoning, if I go and confront them then they'll know she's here. But I also can't move on especially knowing he wanted to mark her so I can't even think about what other plans the bastard might have."

"Maybe that's why they took Yeji, to mate with her?" Chaeryeong suggested.

"Yeji was five when she was taken. What kind of sick asshole thinks that about a five year old?!"

Chaeryeong shrugged, "There's a lot of sick assholes out there. They're called pedophiles."

"Not in the law of werewolves. That's not acceptable at all" Yuna said.

"If you get caught doing stuff like that, you suffer a painful death by Wolfsbane" she continued.

"Ahhhh I'm so stressed out!" Ryujin screamed while messing up her hair.

'Alpha, Mark would like to speak to you' the guard said.

'What does he want?'

'He won't say. He said he wants to talk to you, Alpha.'

'Okay, I'll be there but don't tell him that.'

'Yes, Alpha.'

"You two want to tag along? I'm going down to the cells to see Mark." Ryujin invited the two.

"Why would you do that?" Chaeryeong asked.

"I can't believe you haven't killed him yet" Yuna said.

Ryujin just shrugged her shoulders, "Ehh. He's not important at the moment. So are you coming or not?"

"Yes Alpha" the two simultaneously said.

"I hate the both of you" Ryujin said before leaving and right behind her was her friend and sister following along.

The three made their way to the cells with Chaeryeong and Yuna annoying Ryujin. People that they walked past envied the two because they got to joke around with the Alpha.

They've made it to the cells and the guards bowed as she walked past them.

"What do you need Mark?" Ryujin asked the imprisoned fella.

"What happened to fighting til one of us dies? You're clearly alive so why am I alive?" He asked.

Ryujin scoffed, "You weren't even man enough to fight me fairly. You couldn't kill me just by yourself. You had one of your goons shoot me."

"Then why are we still alive? Too weak to kill your enemies? I mean what do you expect from a female alpha?" He said with a smirked.

"Or maybe I just don't want you to get an easy way out. Killing you would be too easy of a punishment. I want you and your friends to stay down here and suffer. You were gonna kill me by cheating. Right when I just found my mate not long before that. Mad doesn't even come close to what I feel. You don't get the honor of dying."

Mark's face fell and seeing that made Ryujin feel satisfied.

"Alpha, please don't leave me here. I'm sorry. My loyalty belongs to you now. Please don't leave me here to die without my finding my mate!" Taeyong cried.

Ryujin approached him again with her eyes changing colors again causing Taeyong to back away.

"Your loyalty? Forgive you? You're the one who shot me! I don't care if it's an order from that dickhead" Ryujin spat out pointing at Mark, "I'm your Alpha! Your loyalty should have been with me to begin with!" Ryujin growled with so much anger and aggression.

Everyone in the room including Chaeryeong and Yuna whimpered and cowered down after hearing Ryujin's growl.

Afraid of what might happen next since they've never seen Ryujin this mad Chaeryeong spoke, "Alpha, we should leave."

Ryujin didn't listen and went back to Mark.

"Y–your e–yes are r–re–d" Mark stuttered.

Ryujin grabbed him by his hair and brought his face close to hers, "You're lucky I'm just locking you up down here! I could choose to torture you too. Is that what you want?!"

"No Alpha! Im sorry Alpha!" Mark cried.

"Big sis. Please stop. You're scaring me" Yuna begged crying.

Ryujin's eyes went back to normal and let go of Mark.

"This is the last time we will talk. Don't call for me again. Understood?" Ryujin said.

"Yes Alpha" both Mark and Taeyong said.

Ryujin turned around started walking away with Chaeryeong and Yuna following again.

"Ryujin what was that?" Chaeryeong asked.

"What was what? I was angry. It's not the first time you've seen me angry" Ryujin answered not bothered.

"But big sis, we've never seen that. That growl you made was different and your eyes were red. Was that why you were looking up werewolves with red eyes?" Yuna chimed in.

Ryujin sighed and nodded, "Yeji was the first one to notice it. I figured it was because she told me about the Alpha trying to mark her so I was really mad but if it happened again then I don't know what's causing it."

"I guess technically you got really mad because it has something to do with Yeji again. You got mad because you almost died right after meeting Yeji" Chaeryeong said.

"But that doesn't explain why her eyes changes to red. She's been mad plenty of times. She's an angry Alpha" Yuna said to Chaeryeong.

"I don't know. I shouldn't worry about it right now. I should focus on Yeji and how to help her" Ryujin huffed.

"Whipped" The two teased their Alpha.

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