The mystery shot

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The next day, Ryujin woke up sad because her mate wasn't next to her. She still doesn't understand why Yeji got so mad. The pack already knows that they have sex.

'Did it ever cross your mind maybe she's just not as open as you? You grew up in this pack so they've been your family from the beginning. Yeji started from this pack but she didn't grow up here. She's still trying to get to know them so she's probably not comfortable people knowing about her sex life' Rex explained.

'How did you become so wise?' Ryujin asked.

'The moon goddess probably knew you were dumb so she gave you me or else you'd probably dead by now. Someone has make up for your stupidity' Rex claimed.

'I take back my wise comment. You're annoying.'

Ryujin took a shower and got dressed to see if Yeji is still in their room. She's trying to think about what she should say to her mate to not make things worst.

Ryujin knocked and opened the door to see her mate crying. She immediately ran and sat next to her, holding her.

"What's wrong?" Ryujin asked.

"You didn't sleep next to me last night!" Yeji smacked Ryujin.

"You told me to sleep in the guest room" Ryujin answered confused.

"Since when did you listen to me?" Yeji cried.

"Since always?" Ryujin said, "I've always listened to you. It's when you don't tell me what to do is when I usually get in trouble."

Yeji finally stopped crying, "I'm sorry. I just feel so emotional lately."

"It's okay. Let's get you downstairs to eat though" Ryujin carried Yeji to the kitchen.

The two were happily eating breakfast when they were interrupted by a message from the pack link.

'Guard has been shot. Stay in the house. Do not go outside'

Ryujin and Yeji looked at each other.

Ryujin stood up, "I have to go check. Stay here."

"Ryujin I want to go too. You're not the only one leading this pack" Yeji stood up as well.

"I didn't mean it that way. You're pregnant."

Yeji sat back down, "Fine. But update me as soon as you can okay?"

Ryujin nodded and left right away.

'Where's the injured?' Ryujin asked in their link.

'Already at the pack hospital, Ultima. Guards are patrolling the area' one of the guards replied.

'Don't just go over that area. Cover the whole territory. Make sure there's no intruders' Ryujin ordered.

'Yes, Ultima.'

Ryujin already made it to the pack hospital.

"Where's the guard that was shot?" Ryujin asked one of the doctors.

She pointed towards the room the guard was staying and Ryujin proceeded to enter that room.

"You're alive" Ryujin said surprised.

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