The family

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Several months have passed since the mysterious creature attacked any of the wolves which made Ryujin extremely nervous. She doesn't know if there's a big attack that's about to happen.

After Yeji has recovered from giving birth, Ryujin has been personally training her. She wants to make sure Yeji can protect herself if Ryujin wasn't around. This is the first time Ryujin actually felt scared. She's confident she can defeat anyone in a battle but witches are different. They dont need strength or speed to take you down.

In other news, the pups has captured everyone's heart in the pack house. They're already toddler size, about the size of 4 or 5 year old, so they like to run around and play in the house. Yeji thinks it's funny to see when grown adults are bowing to three little toddlers.

Having three kids wasn't as bad as Yeji thought. Everyone in the pack helps out with taking care of the pups. Yejin is practically like the princess and every time she cries, so many wolves would already surround her to make sure she's safe.

Jungsu and Junhan are so different from each other already. Jungsu is a bit mischievous and Junhan likes things in order, also dislike loud noises.

"Jungsu! Get back here!" Ryujin yelled as she chased him around the house. Jungsu thought it was a good idea to completely destroy his bed and take one of the legs to hit Ryujin on the head.

Ryujin finally caught Jungsu. She picked him up and carried him back to her room, "Jungsu, why did you destroy your bed and hit me?"

"Fun" Jungsu said.

"Listen to me okay? It's okay to have fun but you shouldn't be hurting others and breaking things. Do you want to hurt people?" Ryujin asked.

Jungsu shook his head side to side.

"Then don't hit people. Understood?"

Jungsu nodded and hugged Ryujin around her neck, "Sorry mama."

Ryujin hugged him tight, "It's okay. Just don't do it again okay?"

Jungsu nodded and Ryujin let him go. He ran out of the room and Ryujin just watched. Was I this bad when I was young? She thought to herself.

Yeji enters their room, "You look stress."

Ryujin sighed and laid on the bed, "Jungsu destroyed his bed and hit me. I don't know what to do with him."

"Your mom said it's karma for all the hell you put her through" Yeji said.

"I wouldn't have it any other way though" Ryujin sat up and smiled at her mate.

Yeji sat next to her, "Yea? You're happy?"

"Of course I am. I have a beautiful mate. 2 angel pups and 1 satanic one. What more could I ask?" Ryujin laughed.

"You shouldn't say that about your pup!" Yeji smacked Ryujin.

Ryujin grabbed Yeji's waist and pulled her down on the bed with her. They both turn to their sides so they're now looking at each other.

"I love you" Ryujin said.

"I love you too. Whats with the sudden I love you?" Yeji asked.

"I just don't feel like I tell you enough" Ryujin smiled.

"You don't say it but I feel it. All your actions and how you care for me. I know how much you love me" Yeji touched Ryujin's cheeks.

Ryujin pulled her into a kiss when someone knocked on the door. Ryujin laughed, "It's probably Yejin."

"Come in" Yeji said while the two of them sat up on the bed.

Yejin entered the room and jumped on the bed with her parents. She sat on Yeji's lap and glared at Ryujin.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Ryujin asked.

"No baby making" Yejin crossed her arms.

"What do you know about baby making?" Ryujin asked shocked.

"Auntie Yuna told me everything I need to know. You stab mommy with a weird stick and leave babies inside her. You hurt mommy to make babies. No baby making" she continued glaring at her mom.

"It doesn't hurt mommy. I help mommy feel good" Ryujin defended.

"Ryujin!" Yeji yelled while covering Yejin's ears.

"What? I don't want her running around telling everyone I hurt you with a weird stick" Ryujin said.

Yejin seems to be the smartest out of the three. She walked first, she talked first, she learned about being a werewolf first.

"That's what you're upset about? Go talk to Yuna" Yeji ordered.

"About what?" Ryujin asked confused.

"Seriously? She just told our daughter about baby making" Yeji explained.

"Oh right. Talk to Yuna. But talk to Yejin that I don't hurt you during baby making" Ryujin said before running out.

Yeji sighed. "You okay mommy?" Yejin asked.

"Yes sweetie. I just feel like I have 4 kids sometimes" Yeji said.

Yejin laughed, "Mama is silly."

Yeji smiled while looking at her daughter, "She really is."

Meanwhile, Ryujin is looking for Yuna. She found her in the kitchen with Jisu.

"Yo! Sis, why the hell did you talk to Yejin about baby making? You told her I stab Yeji with a weird stick? What the fuck!?" Ryujin sat on the table.

"You did what?!" Jisu turned around to smack Yuna.

"It was funny. I'm sorry. It was so cute how she wanted to protect Yeji" Yuna laughed.

"Yuna, you can't talk to young pups like that" Jisu sighed pinching the bridge of her nose.

"Ryujin doesn't care" Yuna argued while pointing at Ryujin.

"What do you mean she doesn't care? She's the one-" Jisu looked at Ryujin to find her eating the snacks on the table, "What the hell!? I thought you were upset Ryujin!?"

Ryujin spat out the food into her hands, "What? I mean yeah I'm upset."

Jisu shook her, "You two really are sisters."

Jisu left the two sisters alone.

"Is she upset?" Ryujin asked.

"Probably" Yuna shrugged.

The two laughed at each other. "We're in trouble aren't we?" Yuna asked.

Ryujin nodded and laughed some more. Yuna and Ryujin just ate the food that was on the table to avoid their mates for as long as possible.

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