The not so serious fight

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After Jihyo casted a spell on Ryujin and Yeji to hopefully block their scent from being detected, they headed to Yeonjun's old territory.

No one has claimed that territory since no one wanted to be affiliated with Yeonjun.

The closer they got, the stronger they can smell Yujin and Jungsu.

"I can't believe Jungsu's wolf is out already. Why am I so proud?" Ryujin whispers as they slowly made their way closer to the pack house.

"Now is not the time, Ryujin. You need to focus" Yeji scolds her.

They made it to the door of the pack house. When they entered, the room was dark. They heard footsteps upstairs, assuming it must be Yujin.

"Stay here first" Ryujin instructed to Yeji.

"Hell no. That's my pup up there" Yeji glares at her mate.

"Fine. Just be careful since she is a witch too" Ryujin doesn't bother to argue with Yeji.

They made it upstairs but Yujin was already aware of their presence. No matter how hard they tried to stay quiet, the wooden floors gave them away.

"Moms! Don't come in! She's waiting for you!" Jungsu yelled followed by a sound of a slap.

Ryujin and Yeji barged in right away and they saw a bruise already forming on their pup's cheek and saw blood on the corner of his lip.

Ryujin attacked right away not caring that Yujin is a witch. Seeing her pup hurt, made her crazy.

While Yujin defended herself from Ryujin, Yeji took this opportunity to untie Jungsu.

"Mommy, you can't be here. She will hurt you" he cried.

"I'm gonna be okay. Now listen to me, get out of here. Run back home. We left a trail for you to follow and that will lead you back to our house okay?" Yeji quickly said.

He shakes his head still crying, "No mommy. She's gonna kill you. You have to go with me. Please. I won't be bad anymore. I'll be good from now one. Please."

"You've always been good Jungsu. We never thought you were bad. But I can't leave mama. I have to help her. Now hurry and go" Yeji pushes him towards the door.

Jungsu hesitated but still followed his mom's instruction. He ran outside and saw trees that are marked with arrows on which direction he needs to go.

'Please be safe moms. I love you' He said to his parents before running off.

Back in the room, Ryujin was on top of Yujin punching her nonstop. Yujin casted a spell and Ryujin felt her insides burning. Yujin pushed her off and stood up right away.

Ryujin shifted and tried to attack Yujin again when she felt the burning pain subside. Before she got close to Yujin, the latter casted another spell on Ryujin. A deep cut formed on her body.

"Ryujin!" Yeji yelled.

"I'm the one you want right? Leave her alone" Yeji screamed at Yujin.

"I didn't expect you to just give up like that" Yujin laughed.

"You seem so pathetic. I don't know why Yeonjun had a hard time trying to defeat you. It's gonna be fun torturing you and it's gonna be fun seeing Ryujin suffer watching you" She continued to say.

"Crazy bitch" Ryujin groaned still pain. She's shifted back to her human form, laying on the floor naked and bleeding.

"Shut up" Yujin said as she cast a spell and Ryujin felt the bones in her hands break.

Ryujin screamed again, "No!!! My fingers!! How am I gonna pleasure my mate now!?"

"Ryujin!" Yeji yelled at her while also trying to help her.

Yujin was caught off guard with what Ryujin said. Every interaction she's had with the girl, she always messes around. With his distraction, all her spells wore off. She heard Ryujin laughed, "Why are you laughing?" She asked the naked girl still on the ground trying to recover.

"It's just funny how that made you lose focus. Such a bad villain" Ryujin clicked her tongue.

Yujin crouched in front of Ryujin, "How are you this annoying when I can kill you any minute? Are you not afraid?"

"Why would I be afraid of someone like you? You can kill me and it still wouldn't bring Yeonjun back."

Yeji is dumbfounded with what she's seeing. She doesn't understand why Ryujin is provoking the wolf witch.

"Are you forgetting my goal? Is to hurt your mate? Why are you making me more angry?" Yujin asked angrily.

'Yea. Why are you making her angry?' Yeji asked her mate.

'I need you to kill her while she's distracted. I'm making her angry so she hurts me instead of you. Now kill her' Ryujin said.

"Are you forgetting my goal to hurt your mate blah blah" Ryujin mocked.

"Shut up!" Yujin snapped kicking her on the face.

'Yeji! Kill her' Ryujin said.

'I can't. I don't like violence' Yeji replied.

Yujin did another spell then Ryujin started coughing up a lot of blood. She saw the girl feeling more weak until she loses consciousness.

"Ryujin!" Yeji cried.

"It's just you and me now, Yeji" Yujin smirked.

She stood up and approached Yeji, "Now what should I do with you?"

She casted another spell, Yeji closed her eyes anticipating for the pain to come but nothing happened.

"What? What the hell!?" Yujin cursed confused why Yeji is not in pain right now.

"I guess my shield works on spells too" Yeji mumbled.

"If I can hurt you then I'll kill Ryujin instead" Yujin started heading to where Ryujin lies unconscious.

'Yeji, we have to kill her or she will kill our mate. We're the only that can kill her since her spells doesn't work on us' Lucy said.

'It's either her or our mate. Make a move now!' Lucy roared.

Yeji's eyes flashed red, she tackled Yujin before she could reach Ryujin. Yeji puts her knee on Yujin's stomach, "I'm trying so hard not to be a violent person. I hate violence but you're making it so hard!" Yeji gritted as she kept punching Yujin's face.

The witch tries to push her off but Yeji is too strong for her. Yeji stopped punch and grabbed her hair.

"This is for hurting Ryujin" She said as she punched her again "and this is for taking my pup!" She yelled as she pulled her head off.

She stood up still holding Yujin's head in her hand. She walked to where Ryujin is, "She's dead, Ryu. Wake up please."

She dropped the head and cried next to Ryujin.

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