The exes

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Yeji has finished therapy for today. She shared about what happened during dinner last night with her panic attack. Her fear of losing Ryujin. Now that she has something to live for, she's more scared now than before.

She also talked about how Ryujin had girlfriends in the past. She can't help but compare herself to them even if she doesn't know any of them. Did they take care of her better since right now she's not really taking care of Ryujin. She's the one being taken care of. How many people have Ryujin said I love you too. Why did they break up. Has she had sex with all her girlfriends. Why didn't she wait for her mate. She dated a vampire. Does she miss any of her ex. Does she compare her to her exes. All these thoughts crossed her mind and discussed with her therapist.

Yeji asked Jisu to hang out for a bit since Ryujin is busy with work. They're sitting Yeji's bedroom talking.

"I know I shouldn't say anything since you talked about it in your therapy but you shouldn't worry about Ryujin's exes. Don't compare yourself to them and Ryujin hasn't said I love you to any of her girlfriends. She didn't believe in love before you" Jisu said.

"Even the vampire one?" Yeji asked.

"Even the vampire one. No one has captured Ryujin's heart."

"Then how come he had sex with them?" Yeji is now curious.

"She liked to rebel when we were young. You tell her one thing, she will do the other because she says no one tells her what to do. And then like I said she didn't believe in love so she didn't see the need to wait to get intimate with someone."

"I see Yuna has marked you" Yeji lightly laughed changing the subject.

Jisu hid her face, "Yea. We've completed the whole mating process."

"You have!?!?" Yeji asked surprised.

Jisu nodded still hiding her face.

"Do you think Ryujin will get tired of waiting for me?" Yeji sadly asked.

"No. Why would you think that?" Jisu furrowed her brows.

"Because I know she has needs. I know her and her wolf wants to. My wolf wants it too. It's just me that's stopping everything" Yeji sighed.

"What's stopping you? I mean you already let her mark you. So you have no problem with physical touch from her" Jisu questioned.

"Once were mated, my attachment towards her will be stronger."

"What's wrong with that?" Jisu looked at her waiting for an explanation.

"What if she leaves me?" Yeji whispered.

"Once you're mated, she literally can't leave you. You become one. It will literally hurt both of you if one dies or leaves. Ryujin is different back then. She's matured in her own way now. I've never seen care for someone as much as she cares about you."

"I knew I was insecure but I didn't realize I'm such a jealous person too" Yeji chuckled, "Just thinking about other girls with her makes me mad!"

Yeji growled, "I don't know why the vampire bothers me the most. Maybe because I know she wouldn't have stayed with the humans because then she has to reveal she's a werewolf. But with the vampire, she knows Ryujin's a werewolf so they had a possible future together."

Yeji didn't notice that Jisu has cowered with her head down whimpering.

"Jisu why are you whimpering?" Yeji asked confused and concerned.

Jisu finally looked up, "Your growl. I don't know what it is. When you growled, my body just reacted to submit to you and I was scared. Your eyes. They changed colors."

Yeji was confused. Her eyes changed colors? Then she remembered Ryujin's eyes changing colors as well.

"What color did it change to?" Yeji nervously asked.

"Red. I've never seen a werewolf with red eyes. And I've never heard an Omega have such a powerful growl."

'Lucy, why did our eyes changed colors like Ryujin?'

'I don't know. When you were talking about Ryujin's exes, we were getting mad. Then something snapped and I can't explain what happened' Lucy said.

'Is it because Ryujin marked us? So we got her red eyes?' Yeji asked.

'I don't know if it works that way. I'll talk to Rex more about it later. Right now they're busy dealing with a rogue.'

"What was with your eyes?" Jisu asked.

"I don't know. Same thing happened to Ryujin when she got mad before. She's been doing research about it but hasn't found any useful information. Right now she's busy with a rogue and I can sense she's not happy but she blocked me from her thoughts so I don't know why she's unhappy but I'm too scared to go to the cells and find her."

'Chaeryeong, are you and Ryujin still in the cells? I can't communicate with her because she blocked me off' Yeji asked the Beta.

'Were in Ryujin's office now talking to the rogue. Shes from your old pack. She seems to know you' the Beta answered.

Yeji started to feel suffocated after what Chaeryeong said. Someone from her pack is here. Are they here to take her away? Yeji wants to run away but can't because of Ryujin.

Yeji started hyperventilating.

"Yeji, whats wrong?" She heard Jisu say.

Yeji felt her throat dry up. She can't speak. The room felt like it's spinning. Why would someone from her pack be here? She can't breathe. She needs Ryujin. She needs to think about Ryujin. Her eyes. Her lips. Her touch. Her smile. Her scent.

Yeji placed her hand on the mark on her neck and took deep breaths. She inhaled and exhaled until she felt like she's able to calm down a bit. She heard Jisu continously ask her if she's okay or what's happening.

"What happened?" Jisu asked.

"Ryujin is talking to a rogue from my old pack."

"What?! Where are they?!"

"Ryujin's office."

"Let's go then!"

Jisu left before Yeji could say anything so she had no choice but to follow.

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