The disappearance

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Ryujin woke up with Yeji still in her arms. She stared at her sleeping mate feeling like the luckiest person in the word. How could the moon goddess give her such a beautiful gift? She thought.

Yeji shifted in her sleep and she turned her back away from the Alpha. Ryujin felt something on her chest then saw its wet. She then realized that Yeji drooled on her.

Ryujin laughed quietly thinking how adorable her mate is.

'We did it! I'm so happy. I feel this new energy building up within us. I'd give you a high five if I could' Rex excitedly said.

'I'd slap you if I could' Ryujin teased.

'Sometimes I wish I had a different human but then I think your life would be pretty boring without me' Rex said.

'Or it would be quiet' Ryujin retort back.

'You know what? No comment!' Rex said.

Yeji woke up and gave Ryujin a kiss on the cheek.

"Good morning my drooling princess" Ryujin greeted the sleepy head.

"I didn't drool!" Yeji defended.

"Say that to the puddle on my chest. I made sure to not move so there's proof" Ryujin laughed.

Yeji frowned, "You're supposed to pretend that you didn't see so I won't be embarrassed."

"Why would I hide something so adorable?" Ryujin squinted her eyes.

"Shut up" Yeji blushed.

"Make me" Ryujin puckered her lips.

Ryujin was waiting but all she got was a flicked on her lips.

She rubbed it because it hurt more than it should.

"Be careful of the lips or it won't be able to kiss both of your lips" Ryujin joked.

"Are you gonna be perverted now!?" Yeji asked.

"I was always a pervert for you" Ryujin winked.

Yeji scoffed and stood up to go to the bathroom but before she went it, "You're lucky I was in heat yesterday and I enjoyed it or else I won't tolerate your perverted behavior!"

"Since you enjoyed it, does that mean my perverted behavior is allowed!?" Ryujin asked from the other side of the door.

"Shut up!" Yeji screamed.

Ryujin laughed, "I'm just joking Yeddeong. I love you!" She said before leaving to go back to her bedroom.


Later that day, Ryujin and Yeji were back in Ryujin's office. Ryujin was dealing with pack business while Yeji was trying to help. Both would get distracted by each other. Since they're mated, they've become even closer.

Yeji moved to sit on Ryujin's lap. She wrapped her arms around the latter's neck and gave one passionate kiss.

Ryujin was the one to stop their passionate kissing. Yeji looked at her confused.

"What's wrong?" Yeji asked.

"I don't know. Something doesn't feel right all of a sudden."

"What do you mean?" Yeji placed her hands on Ryujin's cheeks.

"Earlier, Rex was feeling all happy and giddy but now I can't sense him at all" Ryujin said sounding worried.

"It's like he disappeared" Ryujin whispered.

'Lucy? Can you talk to Rex?' Yeji asked.

'I've been trying but I can't sense him either' Lucy replied.

'What happened to Rex? How could someone's wolf just disappear like that?' Lucy cried.

Yeji suddenly felt her hands that was still on Ryujin's cheeks heat up.

She saw her mate with eyes closed looking flushed.

"Ryujin! You're burning up!" Yeji accidentally yelled out.

'Chaeryeong! Help! We need to take Ryujin to the pack hospital now!' Yeji called Chaeryeong.

A few minutes later, Chaeryeong barged into the office, out of breath. "What happened?" She panted.

Yeji now crying and off Ryujin's lap, "I don't know! She said she couldn't sense Rex then she started burning up!"

Chaeryeong immediately put Ryujin on her shoulder and ran to the pack hospital. When they arrived, the doctors immediately went to work doing some tests.

After some time, the doctor mentioned that it seemed their Alpha has a fever.

"What do you mean!? Werewolves don't get fevers! Why would she have a fever all of a sudden!? You did all those tests and all you come back with is she has a fever?!" Chaeryeong said very angry.

Yuna and Jisu entered the room in a frantic. They heard Ryujin was taken to the pack hospital and stopped what they're doing to see Ryujin. They, too, couldn't believe Ryujin has a fever.

"Something else is going on but we don't know what it is exactly. Clearly it's not just a normal fever" the doctor said.

Yeji was sitting by herself next to Ryujin who's laying on the hospital bed. All sorts of negative thoughts entered her mind and all resulting in Ryujin dying. She couldn't help it. She's expecting the worse scenarios even if she doesn't want to. Her heart start beating fast again and she can feel herself going into the darkness in her head.

She felt a hand on her shoulder and saw Jisu smiling at her. "She's gonna be okay. She's strong" Jisu said to Yeji.

"But we don't know what's happening to her? It seemed ever since I came along, she just keeps getting hurt. Maybe I make her weak. Maybe I should just leave" She said quietly.

"Don't you dare!" Yuna roared, "You two completed the mating process! You just became her biggest weakness! She could literally die from you leaving!"

The loud boisterous voice caused Yeji to whimper. Even if she's gotten stronger, a part of her is still that Omega that people abused.

"Yuna! You don't yell at our Luna like that" Chaeryeong snapped.

Yuna snapped back into her senses, "I'm sorry. It's just once you're mated, you literally become one. Enemies often use Alpha's mate to kill the Alpha. If something happens to their mates, Alphas will to live disappears."

Yeji is having hard time with everything that's happening and it doesn't help that her wolf is pretty much going crazy due to Rex's disappearance.

Mrs. Shin and the Hwangs are now in the hospital. Chaeryeong, Jisu and Yuna left to try to keep the pack members calm. With their Alpha sick and their Luna not emotionally or mentally prepared to lead, the three decided to step up. Chaeryeong is used to taking over whenever Ryujin leaves for business but this time it was different because she doesn't know how long she has to be in control.

Yeji explained what happened to Mrs. Shin and her parents. They seemed to be lost as well. They've never heard of someone's wolf to just disappear. Once your wolf appears during the teenage years, they don't go away.

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