The 2nd meet up

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"Minju!" A voice yelled then the door opened.

"Alpha" Minju turned around and bowed.

The Alpha walked past Minju and went to Ryujin.

"Nice to see you again Alpha Ryujin. If I had known your mate was Yeji that night then I would have killed you right on the spot" The Alpha smiled.

"Such a shame though that your wolf is gone. I wanted a good fight with you. Maybe I'll let you live so you'll have to see me with your mate" He continued.

Ryujin clenched her jaw. She wants to attack but knows she's too weak right now. Her body feels like it's burning. She's so confused what's going on with her.

"Not gonna talk? Thinking about killing me? Even if you had your wolf, you won't be able to beat me" he laughed.

"Yeonjun let me go" Ryujin simply said.

"No Alpha? How rude."

"You don't deserve to be called Alpha" Ryujin still using her monotone voice.

"Tie her up" Yeonjun said then two guards entered the room and grabbed Ryujin.

They punched her on the stomach when she tried to fight back. With her strength still not recovered, she fell to the floor. The guards picked her up and tied her to a chair.

"What a pathetic wolf you are" Ryujin chuckled, "Tying up someone who's clearly weak. Afraid I'll still beat you even without my wolf?"

Yeonjun approached Ryujin and slapped her on the face, "You think I'm afraid of you? Since I got you instead of Yeji, I might as well have fun."

"I've heard you've already marked Yeji. I wonder if it would kill you to see me replace that mark" Yeonjun smirked.

"Don't you dare lay a hand on Yeji! I will kill you in the worst way possible!" Ryujin spat.

"Ooohhh I'm so scared" He mocked.

"Why are you doing all this? Because she might be more powerful than you?" Ryujin questioned.

"She's just the unfortunate soul the moon goddess blessed with. How could the moon goddess just do that? Give someone power to rule all our kind!? And why does she give you the Suprema as your mate? Who gave her the right to do that?!" Yeonjun bitterly said.

"Do you become stupid when you're mad? Did you really just asked who gave the moon goddess the right to have a say in our world? She literally created us. She's the one who decides who our mates are. Did you not pay attention to our history?" Ryujin said in a teasing tone.

This made Yeonjun angry and slapped her again, "I think you're the one who's stupid. Making me more angry when you can't fight back!"

"I like it when you slap me. It reminds me when a baby holds my cheek" Ryujin said with a smile.

Yeonjun punched her this time. Blood was coming out of Ryujin's mouth but she's still smiling trying to anger Yeonjun more.

"Are you that power hungry that you're willing to hurt anyone that gets in your way? So what if Yeji is the Suprema? If you really wanted to lead a pack I'm sure she will let you be Alpha of your pack, same with other Alphas who wants to stay as a pack leader" Ryujin said.

"You think I'm okay with following orders from a once Omega? That shit is embarrassing. The fact that you accepted her as a mate makes you more of an embarrassment" Yeonjun now tried to anger Ryujin.

"An Omega you're so threatened by. How did you even know she might be the Suprema?" Ryujin asked trying to get as much information as she could.

"I was just as surprised as you when I found out. It was an accident. I hit her pretty hard once then I saw her eyes glow red so every time I would visit, I'd hit her over and over again but it didn't happen again. So I tried verbally attacking her and what was one of the Omegas biggest fear? To be rejected by their mate for being such a low rank so that's what I did. Told her that her mate won't want her. She will be rejected and alone forever then I tried convincing her that I would accept her because if she really was the Suprema then I'd mate her. Whatever I say would go since she won't be confident enough to lead our entire kind."

"So what's your plan now?" Ryujin asked another question since Yeonjun seems to be answering everything. Then she thought maybe he plans to kill her after this because why would he share so much to her but then again he might be stupid.

"You made things complicated by actually accepting her but what can I say? Female Alpha is too sensitive and care too much about emotions and feelings. Once I remove your mark and mark her myself, she would be mine. We will rule all packs together. Everyone will bow down to me!" Yeonjun raised his voice.

Ryujin tilted her head and furrowed her brows, "Who hurt you?"

Yeonjun was taken aback by her question, "What?"

"Who hurt you? Someone must have done it for you to act this way. I've met so many Alphas from calm one to a very angry one but you're way past that. You're like power hungry" she paused then leaned forward a little bit, "is it because you have a small pee pee?" She asked in a whisper.

"You bitch!" He yelled and grabbed a knife from his pocket and stabbed her thigh.

Ryujin winced in pain and held her screams. She didn't want to give Yeonjun the satisfaction from her scream.

"You know? You stabbing me after asking you about your pee pee just proves that it is indeed small" Ryujin smirked.

"Are you always this annoying?" Yeonjun asked.

Ryujin shrugged, "Some might say but I'm just having fun. I'm bored here. You bore me. It was more fun talking to Minju."

"You're not making this fun for me! Aren't you afraid of dying!? I can literally kill you anytime!" Yeonjun asked all frustrated.

"Why would I be afraid of dying? It's inevitable. Everyone dies at one point. Maybe except vampires but there's ways to kill them but they don't really die of old age and diseases you know? It would suck and actually cool at the same time to be vampire. Do you want—"

"Shut up! My god! I'm leaving. I'll come back for you! And I'll bring Yeji with me and I'll make you watch as I remove your mark from her." Yeonjun said.

"What do you mean you'll bring Yeji with you?"

"Oh I'm planning to invade your territory and finally get my Suprema!" Yeonjun said and left, slamming the door behind him.


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Also I think this story is near the end. If you're still reading up to this point. Thank you so much!

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