The worry

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After Ryujin didn't respond to Yeji through their link, she became a panic mess.

'Jisu, Yuna and Ryeong, come to my room please. Hurry' Yeji called for the three.

The three busted through the door, out of breath. "What happened?" Yuna was the first to ask.

"Ryujin!" Yeji walked around the room with one hand on her hips and the other messing up her hair.

"What about Ryujin? Did something happen?" Jisu asked now kind of packing too.

"She said—" Yeji stopped talking and tried to link with her mate again but the latter blocked her. When she was able to knock down the block, all she can sense is Ryujin's frustration.

"What if something is happening to her? What if the witches hurt her? What do we do?" Yeji asked questions without letting anyone to answer.

Jisu goes in front of Yeji and punched her in the stomach. "What the hell Jisu?!" Yeji growled causing the Omega to whimper.

"I'm sorry. You're being crazy. You need to take a deep breath and explain to us what happened" Jisu said.

"You could have just grabbed my shoulders and shake me. You didn't have to punch me" Yeji pouted.

"Ehh. What's the fun in that?" Jisu shrugged.

Chaeryeong then whispered to Yuna, "Your mate has guts to hurt the Suprema like that."

Yuna had the biggest smile on her face, "You should know she fears no one. Not even my sister."

"Please tell us what happened. We're getting off topic. What if she's hurt?" Chaeryeong said.

Yeji's eyes showed panic again, "Right! She finished her meeting with the witches but she said she felt someone trailing her so she ran off to who knows where but she sounded like she was saying goodbye! What the hell is wrong with her?! Who does that!? And now she's not responding to me! If she's not dead, I will kill her!"

"Woah calm down, leader wolfcat. If she is being followed, she's busy dealing with that. You would know if she's dead because you would definitely be heartbroken right now and you would be able to feel it" Yuna explained.

"I want to go look for her. I want you to join me" Yeji said.

"Not my Jisu. If there is danger, there's no way I'm letting her go" Yuna wrapped her arm around her mate.

"Fine. You and Chaeryeong will do. I just want to look for her" Yeji rolled her eyes.

"Okay. Let's go. We're wasting time. We will go to the witches first and see if they know anything then we will go from there but Yeji you cant transform. You're pregnant so you can ride on my back" Chaeryeong suggested.

The two nodded and they all left. Jisu packed a bag for them with clothes and Yeji carried it on her back.

After some time, they arrived at the coven. They transformed back to human except Yeji and greeted the woman guarding the gate.

"There was a wolf here earlier to visit your leader but she hasn't come back yet. Do you by any chance saw which direction she went?" Chaeryeong said as polite as possible.

"Ahh. That cute looking wolf? She was so nervous entering this house even our leader thought she was adorable" the woman laughed.

Yeji's eyes flashed red but Yuna pulled her back and calmed her down right away. They didn't want to start a fight with the witches.

"Yes that's her. So did you see which direction she went?" Chaeryeong asked again.

"Hmm. She ran through those woods. Then I saw some people follow her? Can't be normal human though because they were pretty fast" the woman answered.

"How many were following her?" Yeji now asked the question.

The woman scratched her head with her index finger thinking, "2? Or 3? I'm not sure."

"Thank you for all your help but we should probably go to make sure she's okay" Yuna said.

The two stripped naked and Yeji packed their clothes and put it back in the bag before transforming to their wolves.

They ran through the woods where the woman said Ryujin went. They ran and ran until they saw a figure standing by themselves in the middle of nowhere.

They quickly hid and changed back to being human and got dressed. They approached the figure to see it was Wooyoung covered in blood.

Yeji thinking the worse case scenario ran to him and tackled him to the ground. The two panicked because Yeji is pregnant. They quickly pull her off Wooyoung but she was too strong.

"Yeji, you're pregnant. Remember that please" Yuna begged.

Yeji calmed down after hearing that and got off but not after throwing him one last punch.

"Where's Ryujin?" Yeji growled.

"I don't know!" Wooyoung yelled.

"Don't lie to me! You were following her! Where is she!?" Yeji getting impatient.

"I was! But someone else was following her and it scared me because it gave me a weird feeling so I stopped" Wooyoung said.

"Then why are you covered in blood?" Yuna asked.

"Some vampire hunters saw me and tried to kill me so I killed them. How dumb do you think I am to hurt Ryujin? The Elders would kill me if they find out. I want you Yeji but I'm not about to risk my life for you" Wooyoung explained.

"Do you know who else or what else was following her?" Chaeryeong asked.

"No. If I knew then I would have continued following Ryujin but whatever that was. They made the hair on the back of my neck stand up" Wooyoung said.

"Hey, if Ryujin is dead then we can be together?" Wooyoung winked.

"If Ryujin is dead, I would rather be dead too than be with you" Yeji gagged.

"I'm not that bad" He said.

"Sorry. The gag wasn't towards you. I'm pregnant so i must be feeling nauseated" Yeji lied.

Yuna and Chaeryeong tried to hold in their laughter.

'Yeji, let's go. Rex told me their location. Ryujin is safe but she is with someone' Lucy said.

'Okay. Thanks Lucy' Yeji replied.

"We have to go. We know where Ryujin is now. If she's hurt, I will find you and hurt you myself" Yeji said before going behind a bush to Yuna and Chaeryeong can get naked again.

After transforming, Yeji climbed on Chaeryeong's back and gave the wolf directions to where Ryujin is.

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